- Oct 1, 2000
- 4,758
MCS Napoli. A news item about a British flagged freighter on a Heat Treat News Website? Bear with us and you will see the connection. The Napoli struck a rock in the English channel about 80 KM off the UK coast January 18. The ship sank shortly after the crew abandoned ship and it is not yet known whether the cargo can be recovered. And what did the cargo include? How about 1,000 tons of nickel probably destined for a Stainless Steel mill in Spain? Speculation amongst commodities traders is suggesting that this will cause nickel to increase from their already record levels and certainly for one reason or another this is what has been happening over the past week. Nickel at the time of this posting was just over $18.00 US/pound which is probably a new record. All of this means that a heat treater in California could wind up paying more for their radiant tubes and base trays all because a ship in the English Channel struck a rock. Amazing