- Dec 27, 2001
- 137
In reference to AASHTO "If the depth of the side face of a member exceeds 3 feet, longitudinal skin reinforcement shall be uniformly distributed along both side faces of the member for a distance d/2 nearest the flexural tension reinforcement. The area of skin reinforcement (Ask) per foot of height on each side face shall be => 0.012(d-30). The maximum spacing of skin reinforcement shall not exceed the lesser of d/6 and 12 inches. Such reinforcement may be included in strength computations if a strain compatibility analysis is made to determine stresses in the individual bars or wires. The total area of longitudinal skin reinforcement in both faces need not exceed one-half of the required flexural tensile reinforcement." If I have a hammerhead pier, does this apply to the cantilever portion of the pier cap ?