For an eliptical dome using a guide ellispe and a single profile, how do i avoid cusps been created. Or better still how do i get the profile line to expand and contract when sweeping around the ellipse?
To model an Elliptical Dome start with a part sphere, constructed as a surface of revolution, and stretch it using an Affinity Transform. Problems with cusps will not occur, as Adaptive Sweep or Loft are not being used.
Ref. my post to Thread 560-61382 of June 25 2003.
Kapitan, i tried your method and it worked but can you help me create a dome but with an irregular section? ie Instead of an ellispe a rectangular dome, with a variable profile?
Can you send me a wireframe uncompressed CATPart model to the email address on my profile. This only needs to be the rectangular guide curve and whatever sections are to be used, plus anything else that may be relevant.
I couldn't open your CATPart file although I could see it in miniature as a PreView, but I saw enough to work with. Your V5 Release is probably higher than mine (R9) which prevented it opening.
So, I modelled a quarter of the closed Guide Curve as a Conic and put in Section Curves (Splines) at each end of it. These met above the centre of the model. Extruded surfaces were made from the splines in a normal direction from the planes they lay on. These extruded surfaces will be for Tangency.
Then using Loft the two splines as sections, the extrusions for tangency and the Conic as a Guide a quarter of the Final surface was made. Mirroring this and Joining up afterwards gave the Irregular Dome which has been emailed to you. Using FreeStyle Shape Analysis, it doesn't look too bad. Ive only used the end sections but more can be incorporated if required.
There are other methods but try this for a start, it's simple.