The neat thing about the Tower of Pisa was that it started to tilt under construction and this is reflected in the increased column lengths on the side that was tilting... The tower is 'kinda curved'.
the article mentions the number floors exceeded maximun for the location/base. I seem to recall the practice was to never complete construction to prevent paying taxes, thus ever so often a new floor was added to ward off the tax man
I liked how they sold the places before the building was finished, telling people "Sure, we'll put you in the top floor!". Of course, it WAS the top floor when it was sold... and then they add another floor and start the process anew.
Thanx for the confirmation of my initial visit to the tower in Pisa. - I told my wife that the structure was for "straight", but "kinked" a bit. - I like "kinked" instead of curved.
At least the model displayed in the tourist center had a straight structure.
Engineer and international traveler interested in construction techniques, problems and proper design.