I am writing a VB routine to determine all of the children files for a given SolidWorks file and have been quite successful for assemblies but the routines I use utilize the swFile.GetActiveConfiguration() and then the Configuration.GetRootComponent() routines to insure that I have the root component. Drawings are not particularly fond of that API call.
I only need the first level children as the system handles the recursion by keeping a table of all parent - child pairs and applying the relationships downward.
I guess my question is - how do I (in VB using the SW API) determine which files a drawing (.SLDDRW) uses?
I only need the first level children as the system handles the recursion by keeping a table of all parent - child pairs and applying the relationships downward.
I guess my question is - how do I (in VB using the SW API) determine which files a drawing (.SLDDRW) uses?