- Aug 19, 2013
- 1
Hi all,
New here looking for a little guidance. I have a print for a small heat shield part and it is a poorly done print really. every Dim. is basic and there is no tolerance of any kind given in the info box. Now being a Roamer user, I have to give a tolerance to comply with reporting requirements. So with all that said. I have 6 separate Angle call outs for holes on the part that are all basic angle Dim. all the angles give a positional location in degrees along an arc which also has a radius call out. the only tolerance control given is an all over profile call out of .100 UOS. There is one other call out but not really sure what they mean by it. "located within .050 either side of basic" which is associated with the hole diameters. well the general consensus is that it should be treated as a TP call out. OK fine. Still need to get a Tolerance in DEGREES to report the angles. So does any one know how to do that? using either the profile or the other so called TP call out? and how do I convert that to a degree tolerance?
Thank you for any help you all can provide.
New here looking for a little guidance. I have a print for a small heat shield part and it is a poorly done print really. every Dim. is basic and there is no tolerance of any kind given in the info box. Now being a Roamer user, I have to give a tolerance to comply with reporting requirements. So with all that said. I have 6 separate Angle call outs for holes on the part that are all basic angle Dim. all the angles give a positional location in degrees along an arc which also has a radius call out. the only tolerance control given is an all over profile call out of .100 UOS. There is one other call out but not really sure what they mean by it. "located within .050 either side of basic" which is associated with the hole diameters. well the general consensus is that it should be treated as a TP call out. OK fine. Still need to get a Tolerance in DEGREES to report the angles. So does any one know how to do that? using either the profile or the other so called TP call out? and how do I convert that to a degree tolerance?
Thank you for any help you all can provide.