Brian Malone
- Jun 15, 2018
- 413
JohnRBaker great time capsule video. Unigraphics had quite a system! Section generation, analysis functions, joystick and side keypad!! My first intro to CAD was around 1980 or so. I don't remember the software name, it was based on IBM Basic, input with op codes on punch cards into a System 20? The views appeared on screen after the punch card input. . . There was no real assistance with design or drawing creation - mainly, the drawing record/file was digital and could be plotted on demand (old pen plotter).
Sorry, to extend this tangent - poor "Janette" was also having to work with an older 'elbow' arm drafting machine - the department hadn't been upgraded to Vemco or Bruning track machines!
Sorry, to extend this tangent - poor "Janette" was also having to work with an older 'elbow' arm drafting machine - the department hadn't been upgraded to Vemco or Bruning track machines!