After SWX2001 came out, I decided to buy a book that I thought would help me to get into the program. I went to and searched for a few books. There aren't many out there, and I wanted to let you know which one to stay away from (remember, this is an opinionated book review, nothing offical).
Engineering Design with SolidWorks 2001 by David & Marie Planchard, 390 pages, Schroff Development Corp. Publications, ISBN: 1585030740.
This book tempts you into buying it by saying that many of the projects are based on real-world companies, which will give a better understanding of the industry and how SWX fits into the big picture. I found this book to be poorly published, and lacking in any new information that one could already find with SWX's own documentation and online help.
This book is nothing more than a regurgitation of the User's Guide, and doesn't provide any insights on the true complications of either implimenting or managing SWX. I found the writing rather poor, and figures used throughout the book were very poor, almost looking worse than a copy-of-a-copy.
I suggest you save the $60 on buying this book, and pick up an additional 256mb of memory instead.
"Happy the Hare at morning for she is ignorant to the Hunter's waking thoughts."
Engineering Design with SolidWorks 2001 by David & Marie Planchard, 390 pages, Schroff Development Corp. Publications, ISBN: 1585030740.
This book tempts you into buying it by saying that many of the projects are based on real-world companies, which will give a better understanding of the industry and how SWX fits into the big picture. I found this book to be poorly published, and lacking in any new information that one could already find with SWX's own documentation and online help.
This book is nothing more than a regurgitation of the User's Guide, and doesn't provide any insights on the true complications of either implimenting or managing SWX. I found the writing rather poor, and figures used throughout the book were very poor, almost looking worse than a copy-of-a-copy.
I suggest you save the $60 on buying this book, and pick up an additional 256mb of memory instead.