- May 4, 2006
- 7
I am designing a braced frame in a freezer warehouse building (the building will be built at ambient temperatures, and then brought down to -10 degrees. It's an ordinary concentrically braced frame (R=3.25, design category D). The building is approximately 300 feet long. The braced frame has double angle tension-only members. I'm concerned about the thermal forces potentially buckling the braces when the building shrinks and likewise increasing the design tension forces on the tension braces(I notice that ASCE 7 does not combine thermal loads with earthquake forces??) I've never done this before, but would it be a good idea to use long slotted holes in the bolted braces, and go with slip critical bolts? The bolts could be hand tightened at first. After the freezer is brought down to -10 degrees, the bolts could then be fully tightened.