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Bright Future -- R&D? Analyst? Sales? 2

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Jul 20, 2006
I just graduated and get my first job now.

I look around the company and have no idea which department does fit(and feed)me well. In term of money wise, I wonder which department would have brighter future ($$$). Some people said R&D. Some people said analyst. Others said being a sales engineer would bring us to CEO one day. How about the engineers outthere, what's you all opinion? I am dying hard to retire as early as possible and travel all the around the world with my private plane ... ;-)
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And if I told you that the most money could be made sweating in the hot sun digging ditches, would you go do it?

Concentrate on what will keep you getting up to go to work EVERY morning, anything short of that will seem like hell.


I agree with IR.

I have done a little of many different aspects of engineering.

Here are my thoughts:
1) Sales makes the big $$$ salary-wise. I have often been blown away at how much sales people can make compared to standard engineers.
2) Start off with design, etc... so you can earn your PE license. That can be beneficial. IF you want to go into sales later, the PE is just a feather in your cap and can add credibility (not always, but can).
3) It will be trial-and-error. I still haven't found the exact mix that makes me tick. I think in the end it will have to be working for myself or having ownership in a small company.
4) Eventual management might be a good mix of everything- some sales, some engineering, some interaction with peers and employees, some innovative thought required, some degree of "ownership" in the work you perform, better pay that that of just an engineer, etc....


If you REALLY want to retire early, DON'T waste your money on luxuries, DO save every penny that is not essential to keeping your body working in a 401K or a house or BOTH. Run the numbers, here or on your own investment calculator:

Bottom line is that if you start saving $10,000 per year TODAY, you'll have a sizable pot of money to play with later.

If you're just in it for the money then why are you an engineer? I didn't think ours was a field that was so full of glamour and cash.

No offense, if you want it then go for it, but I'm sure there's "easier" money to be made elsewhere. Otherwise HVAC and IR seem to be dead on.
One final point. Most people who succeeded in the past did not go into things to be rich and famous. Bill Gates was a one-man shop making a BASIC interpreter. Hewlett and Packard just wanted to make a better signal generator. Beckmand just wanted to make a better pH meter.

a> you don't hear about the multitudes that tried even that, and didn't succeed.



My advice ....

Don't wish your life away. Even retiring early will take a long time. So do something you ENJOY and concentrate on making the best of today everyday. Lucky for you, any job in engineering will pay well so with a little bit of financial sacrifice you should still be able to do what you like AND retire early no matter what path you choose. Just make sure you're contributing as much as you can to your 401(k) as early as you can.
It really doesn't what you do, it's how successfuly you are at doing it.

You can make money doing anything.

"Do not worry about your problems with mathematics, I assure you mine are far greater."
Albert Einstein
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Not too sure about 401K. Am I able to apply for 401K as a foreigner in the US?

By the way, I am not a materialistic person. I know myself that I am able to survive in any department. And yes, I enjoy working at any department as well. I just don't want to stuck at particular department which unable me to get much promotion. So, any engineers outthere know which department offer better promotion and salary than other department in a company?

HVACctrl - Thanks for your advice. I am working at R&D department these days and am planning to take the PE test in the future.
I think this scenario sums up what is meant by the last statements:

Sometimes staying in a purely technical role can create a glass celing over your head. Being more involved with sales and/or management can allow a person to break through and get a larger salary.

I think fglass wants the most opportunity- salary, clout, ability to make an impact, respect- that can be afforded someone with an engineering background. I think he's asking what route will best offer these things.



Quote from IRstuff "Concentrate on what will keep you getting up to go to work EVERY morning, anything short of that will seem like hell."

Very well put...


Frankly, the question shows the naivete of the asker. Your company does things its way and has its rhythms and paths.

Not knowing anything about your company or you, for that matter, there's no way to gauge what the best path is for you.

For that matter, there's nearly zero probability that you would even stay at the same company for more than 3 years, so any prognostication about the present company may be cmopletely irrelevant to the next company.


If you want to retire early, enlist. Navy or AirForce have the greatest history in tech jobs. Don't know if foreigners can enlist, though. Might be useful info for other readers.

I've known a lot of people who retire military in early 40's and started (or continued) new careers while living on the pension. Sure wish I'd done that!
I always wonder about people who tell me that they want to retire early, unless they are about 60 and meaning 62

Often people with the largest (middle class) salaries, have the smallest net worth.

-irstuff said:
DON'T waste your money on luxuries, DO save every penny that is not essential to keeping your body working in a 401K or a house or BOTH.

This is the way to riches and financial freedom. Driving a Lexus SUV, and owning a home with too large a payment, and not saving at least 15% of your pre-tax income, is the way to a retirement filled with dogfood and heartache.

Live below your means, and save. Don't worry about retirement, it isnt what it's cracked up to be. Worry about your freedom. By the time it becomes important, you'll be able to tell your boss/employer to go to hell, and live the rest of your life withouth changing your standard of living.

Wes C.
Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Somewhere else in another thread is mentioned the book, "The Millionaires Next Door," which is all about how to achieve financial freedom without extraordinary luck or finesse, although just plain saving appears to be an extraordinary effort for most people.

The start of the book mentions how the author was giving a financial planning seminar and was approached by a teacher and his wife wanting to know whether he could retire early. The family net income was only about $40K, so the planner figured that this would be a short conversation. Nonetheless, the teacher had managed to accumulate over $500K in savings alone. So, it turned out that even someone with moderate salary can save a sizable nest egg.


Alternatively you could collect an average pension in a country with high prices, while living in a country with low prices. $10 in Africa goes a looooong way.
How is the asker naive? Like saying a question is stupid. Of course he's naive, that's why he's asking it. Someone looking for the most upward mobility in a career with an engineering background shows forthought and a lot of sense as far as I can see. I think its a lot better than going with the flow and ending up wherever it takes you.

Of course many things are company dependent. But generally speaking, we can give general advice about his problem and present it in general terms.

In general sales, marketing and management are where its at. In general, a PE license and ability to work with others and customers will take you a long well. In general,looking to better the company and coming up with ideas and presenting them to you superior can be very beneficial.

Of course, given the right circumstances, these things can either not help or even hurt you.


Nor do they work at mine.

Wes C.
Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
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