- Oct 30, 2003
- 1
I've been using cadkey since 1996. I have a chance to change design software. I've been looking at solidworks for about four months. we design product,mold frames, cores, cavitives and so on in the 2D world. we are also ISO certified and that means keeping track of all the components with part numbers. I know in solidworks if something changes that anything related to the change, changes. we have procedure folders for all our products that we made. the procedure folders are done in Word. My question is can we place a picture of say a product and place it in a Word Document and will that picture change if the 3D model changes. Does solidwork a have good split for cores and cavitives? How good is the PDM with solidworks? What seem to be the learning cure to convert from cadkey to solidworks? I need to shed as much light on the matter to either do it or stay with our exisiting software, so if you have anything else to add please do.