- Jun 20, 2023
- 2
So I am getting confused and feel like different sites/documents are saying different things here. I've got a 3-winding transformer and I've calculated my %R and %X, and therefore %Z values for each winding. However, in SKM you must input these values using the impedances from pri-sec, pri-ter, and sec-ter. I know that to get, say, %R(pri-sec) I should just be able to add my %Rpri and %Rsec together, except they are on different MVA bases because my primary winding has a higher MVA than my secondary and tertiary. So in order to refer all of the impedances to the primary base before I add them, what is the formula?? I know there is a difference between formulas for %Z and Zp.u., and I have %Z. Is it %Znew = %Zold * (Snew / Sold)? Or is it %Znew = %Zold * (Sold / Snew)? Or even %Znew = %Zold * (Snew / Sold) * (Vold / Vnew)^2. Because I have seen all three formulas being used for this same situation online and in books... any advice??