- Jun 17, 2007
- 7
Hello everyone. I’ve just joined this site, so let me know if I am posting this in the wrong forum…
I’ve recently begun the sizing and selection of electric drive motors and gear reducers for some chain conveyors that will be carrying steel pipe. It will be fairly standard “engineering class” roller chain with oversized rollers. The pipes will be carried on top of the chain in custom v-rests, so there is no rolling or sliding of the pipes themselves.
Most of the chain manufacturers have excellent technical information in their catalogs, but there are two things I can’t seem to find any information on. Here they are:
1) When calculating horsepower requirements of a chain conveyor, does the efficiency of the conveyor chain/sprockets come in to play? I would think that it does, but in every technical reference I’ve seen, the chain efficiency is completely ignored. They do, of course, consider the friction between the chain and the surface the chain is sliding or rolling on, but does this take the place of factoring in the chain’s efficiency? I have been allowing 90% efficiency for every complete chain wrap around a sprocket, but if this is wrong I am greatly over-sizing these drive motors.
2) Also regarding the power requirements – does the chain tensioning device affect the required HP? We normally either rely on the chain’s own catenary tension for large conveyors or use a simple screw adjustment on the tail sprocket of smaller conveyors. I have basically been calculating the chain tension and using 10% of that value in my HP calculation. Is this even necessary?
I can go more in-depth here if needed. Thanks!
I’ve recently begun the sizing and selection of electric drive motors and gear reducers for some chain conveyors that will be carrying steel pipe. It will be fairly standard “engineering class” roller chain with oversized rollers. The pipes will be carried on top of the chain in custom v-rests, so there is no rolling or sliding of the pipes themselves.
Most of the chain manufacturers have excellent technical information in their catalogs, but there are two things I can’t seem to find any information on. Here they are:
1) When calculating horsepower requirements of a chain conveyor, does the efficiency of the conveyor chain/sprockets come in to play? I would think that it does, but in every technical reference I’ve seen, the chain efficiency is completely ignored. They do, of course, consider the friction between the chain and the surface the chain is sliding or rolling on, but does this take the place of factoring in the chain’s efficiency? I have been allowing 90% efficiency for every complete chain wrap around a sprocket, but if this is wrong I am greatly over-sizing these drive motors.
2) Also regarding the power requirements – does the chain tensioning device affect the required HP? We normally either rely on the chain’s own catenary tension for large conveyors or use a simple screw adjustment on the tail sprocket of smaller conveyors. I have basically been calculating the chain tension and using 10% of that value in my HP calculation. Is this even necessary?
I can go more in-depth here if needed. Thanks!