- Oct 3, 2010
- 11
im posting this here as you guys have been helpfull in the past and im hoping you can give me some pointers with the following senario?
I have a 50m long smooth concrete channel, the cross section is 0.55m deep x 0.175m wide. water flows or weirs into this channel all along one side (50m) at a rate of 330m3/hr. (its a drain channel down one side of a pool)
one end of the channel blanked off, the other end is open and discharges via gravity into a large tank below.
What i need to deturmine is the maximum running level in the channel, i am assuming the maximum depth will be at the far side (blanked off side) gradually decreasing to virtually zero at the discharge point (this would give me a gradient?). i have looked at using the mannings equation and various on-line calculators however i am unsure if the way the water enters the channel will affect this? Im generally a little unsure anyway to be honest!
If anybody can help me calculate the above and explain how i could calulate this in the future for similar senarios i would be greatfull.
Kind regards,
im posting this here as you guys have been helpfull in the past and im hoping you can give me some pointers with the following senario?
I have a 50m long smooth concrete channel, the cross section is 0.55m deep x 0.175m wide. water flows or weirs into this channel all along one side (50m) at a rate of 330m3/hr. (its a drain channel down one side of a pool)
one end of the channel blanked off, the other end is open and discharges via gravity into a large tank below.
What i need to deturmine is the maximum running level in the channel, i am assuming the maximum depth will be at the far side (blanked off side) gradually decreasing to virtually zero at the discharge point (this would give me a gradient?). i have looked at using the mannings equation and various on-line calculators however i am unsure if the way the water enters the channel will affect this? Im generally a little unsure anyway to be honest!
If anybody can help me calculate the above and explain how i could calulate this in the future for similar senarios i would be greatfull.
Kind regards,