- Mar 24, 2008
- 5
I am just completing a sheet pile design for shoring an excavation. I am quite satisfied with the design, except for analyzing the potential for a quick condition at the toe. In practical terms I have dealt with the issue by requiring dewatering to a depth that I am comfortable will prevent failure at the toe. (Meaning dewatering depth outside the excavation. Inside the excavation will be dewatered to the dredge line). Still it bothers me not to be able to analyze it numerically. I have reviewed the literature, and most authors seem to take me 90% there and leave me hanging. Most derive the equation for critical hydraulic gradient ic=(SG-1)/(1+e). Now what do I do with the result? The USS manual has a simple formula (reduction in submerged unit weight)=20*Hu/D. Now this I can use in my wall analysis to find the max Hu (unbalance head) that will still leave an acceptable FS. But after giving this simple formula, USS goes on to confuse me with a bunch of criptic nomographs. Can anybody shed some light on this subject? The basics of my design problem: braced wall, 18' dredge depth, 11' penetration, med.-dense fine sand, existing water table 2.5' below grade. Thanks!