- Feb 16, 2015
- 32
I'm trying to design a knee brace connection to this cold form joist that I can't really find any relevant information on. The section is two cold-formed channels measured to be 8" deep, spanning 13', and they are spaced 4' on center. The plans call out 60 SJ 16 with a design snow load of 23.1psf. The stud walls below them were designed for 330.2psf. With a 13' trib. width (6.5' going each way), the design load could be roughly 50psf. However, I don't really know if this is ASD or LRFD. See below for the picture and plans:
View attachment IMG_1504.JPG
From my understanding of this section, this is a 16" GA, 6" deep channel (which doesn't match the field measurement). Since it is cold-formed steel, I feel this structure was economized and putting in a knee brace connection spanning to two of these 4' on center double C members is really not the best idea. Even if it was, I don't know what the best way to attach steel angle/HSS to a cold form channel. I'm leaning more towards putting in a second member spanning between the walls and not relying on the cold form floor joists. The only information I've found on this section is from an old USG manual...but it has to do with tall wall studs and not being used as floor joists.

Can anyone provide any design guidance for my situation or at least know where I can find a load table to get a feel for how these floor joists are performing in the original condition? Thanks for your help,
View attachment IMG_1504.JPG

From my understanding of this section, this is a 16" GA, 6" deep channel (which doesn't match the field measurement). Since it is cold-formed steel, I feel this structure was economized and putting in a knee brace connection spanning to two of these 4' on center double C members is really not the best idea. Even if it was, I don't know what the best way to attach steel angle/HSS to a cold form channel. I'm leaning more towards putting in a second member spanning between the walls and not relying on the cold form floor joists. The only information I've found on this section is from an old USG manual...but it has to do with tall wall studs and not being used as floor joists.

Can anyone provide any design guidance for my situation or at least know where I can find a load table to get a feel for how these floor joists are performing in the original condition? Thanks for your help,