Mountain Water Sewer Mgr
- Apr 28, 2023
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I am currently a utility manager for a municipality. My previous position was as an environmental design engineer for a consulting firm where I worked on environmental site assessments and contaminated site characterization and remediation. When I left the consulting firm I met the ASTM definition of an Environmental Professional. In my currently position I was asked by City management, because they were aware of my previous experience, to provide some assistance on the sale of a City owned property when the prospective buyers env due diligence revealed contamination on the site that the City did not know about. Until now my assistance has consisted of interpreting environmental studies and sample results and made some recommendations for additional investigations at the site. The City desperately needs to sell the property because they have already allocated the ptoceeds from the sale to the construction of a new City Hall facility as construction has already begun. The state has offered to provide a NAD for the site, which is what the lender for the prospective buyer is requiring to approve the loan, if the City conducts some additional sampling and the results indicate that the subject property is not the source of the contamination. The City asked me to find a consultant to complete the samping which I did and because the consultants costs came back much higher than City mgmnt expected they asked me to complete the appication for the NAD as the environmental professional where I will be required to include a statement to certify tha that the property is protective of HH and the environment. The sampling results do infact allow me to make that statement without question thankfully. I'm 99% positive that this is not a conflict of interest but I'm just wondering if there could be an appearance of conflict or if I should include a statement in the NAD app that clearly states that I have no conflict???