- Dec 15, 2008
- 32
Dear friends,
Greetings !
I am Krishnagoud Manda, pursuing doctoral studies at KTH Mechanincs, Stockholm.I have been using Abaqus FE software for my research,especially in modeling of porous medium.
I would greatly appreciate your help if you consider my question.
I briefly explain about my problems which I keep encountering in ABAQUS for last 4 months.I have been working on 'Finite element modeling of human knee joint', which in turn useful for development of cartilage implant. Basically, human knee consists of two bones in contact through the thin materials called cartilages.
Cartilage is highly porous medium and it contains water inside, hence it can be modeled as biphasic(poro elastic) medium using Abaqus (pore pressure elements and soil analysis)
Unfortunately, i could not be succeed in the modeling contact of porous articular cartilages in ABAQUS. I have been keep encountering problems with this. I am completely lost at this point. Unless I get some help from you i can not move further.
In order to verify and to understand behaviour of porous medium, I modeled a SIMPLE axisymmetric geometry(two cylindrical parts are in contact). But the contact between porous mediums is getting diverges and solution was terminating after certain load. Here are details...
1.Axisymmetric two cylindrical parts in contact, meshed with CAX4P elements
2.Part.1 is bottom cylinder of 3.1mm thick and 16.5mm radius
3.Part.2 is top cylinder of same size
4.left side of both parts are XSYMM
5.Part.1 bottom nodes are fixed in all directions (Encastre)
6 Contact established by moving top nodes of top part(part.2) in step 1 (*Soils,consolidation)
7.Top nodes of part.2 are tied together to move only vertical diretion(*equation,2)
8 load is applied on top surf 2MPA equivalent to 3500N axial load (in step 2, *soils, consolidation), using amplitude (increasing from 0 to 2MPA n 2 sec and the constant for 98 sec)
9. permeability is strain dependent
10. initial void ratio and pore pressure are defined in input file
I am wondering how ABAQUS handles the fluid behaviuor during transient consolidation.
It has not been understood why the solution is getting diverged. I am wondering whether I am missing some tricky portion of the problem or contact between porous mediums in ABAQUS requires any special specific criteria ?
I thought there could be some problems with continuity of pore fluid,in order to avoid fluid pore pressure problems at contact surfaces, I used the membrane between them, but still problem persists. details are...
1. Membrane is tied to part.1 (bottom part)
2. Surface to surf contact between membrane and bottom surface of top part.
But still the solution was terminating ! I don't understand why this is happening ?
Would you please help me whether I am missing something or ABAQUS can not handle this type of problems ?
Problem has been solved(with or without membrane) for low loads, but for high loads solution is terminating.
Human knee cartilage generally subjected to morethan 4000N (2.4MPA) of load. My model should work for atleast 2MPA pressure load.
Here i am attaching two input files.
1. porous_cantact.inp (without membrane)
2. porous_contact_memb.inp (with membrane)
Would you please look at my problem.
Please let me know how ABAQUS handles these type of problems(contact between porous media) ?
Thanking you in advance !
Awaiting for your kind reply !
Greetings !
I am Krishnagoud Manda, pursuing doctoral studies at KTH Mechanincs, Stockholm.I have been using Abaqus FE software for my research,especially in modeling of porous medium.
I would greatly appreciate your help if you consider my question.
I briefly explain about my problems which I keep encountering in ABAQUS for last 4 months.I have been working on 'Finite element modeling of human knee joint', which in turn useful for development of cartilage implant. Basically, human knee consists of two bones in contact through the thin materials called cartilages.
Cartilage is highly porous medium and it contains water inside, hence it can be modeled as biphasic(poro elastic) medium using Abaqus (pore pressure elements and soil analysis)
Unfortunately, i could not be succeed in the modeling contact of porous articular cartilages in ABAQUS. I have been keep encountering problems with this. I am completely lost at this point. Unless I get some help from you i can not move further.
In order to verify and to understand behaviour of porous medium, I modeled a SIMPLE axisymmetric geometry(two cylindrical parts are in contact). But the contact between porous mediums is getting diverges and solution was terminating after certain load. Here are details...
1.Axisymmetric two cylindrical parts in contact, meshed with CAX4P elements
2.Part.1 is bottom cylinder of 3.1mm thick and 16.5mm radius
3.Part.2 is top cylinder of same size
4.left side of both parts are XSYMM
5.Part.1 bottom nodes are fixed in all directions (Encastre)
6 Contact established by moving top nodes of top part(part.2) in step 1 (*Soils,consolidation)
7.Top nodes of part.2 are tied together to move only vertical diretion(*equation,2)
8 load is applied on top surf 2MPA equivalent to 3500N axial load (in step 2, *soils, consolidation), using amplitude (increasing from 0 to 2MPA n 2 sec and the constant for 98 sec)
9. permeability is strain dependent
10. initial void ratio and pore pressure are defined in input file
I am wondering how ABAQUS handles the fluid behaviuor during transient consolidation.
It has not been understood why the solution is getting diverged. I am wondering whether I am missing some tricky portion of the problem or contact between porous mediums in ABAQUS requires any special specific criteria ?
I thought there could be some problems with continuity of pore fluid,in order to avoid fluid pore pressure problems at contact surfaces, I used the membrane between them, but still problem persists. details are...
1. Membrane is tied to part.1 (bottom part)
2. Surface to surf contact between membrane and bottom surface of top part.
But still the solution was terminating ! I don't understand why this is happening ?
Would you please help me whether I am missing something or ABAQUS can not handle this type of problems ?
Problem has been solved(with or without membrane) for low loads, but for high loads solution is terminating.
Human knee cartilage generally subjected to morethan 4000N (2.4MPA) of load. My model should work for atleast 2MPA pressure load.
Here i am attaching two input files.
1. porous_cantact.inp (without membrane)
2. porous_contact_memb.inp (with membrane)
Would you please look at my problem.
Please let me know how ABAQUS handles these type of problems(contact between porous media) ?
Thanking you in advance !
Awaiting for your kind reply !