New member
- Sep 1, 2009
- 69
While using cosmos we did a comparison of simulated load in cosmos and then an actual pull style loadtest. The results were vastly different.
The material in question is 1 3/8 dimaeter DOM tube with a 5/16" wall thickness. The actual material has a tensile of 60KSI with a yeild of 50ksi.
The application basically pulls on each side of the tube with a force of 25000lbs. This effectively stretches the tube. You can see from the picture there is a slight bend in the tube.
Cosmos correctly identifies the stress location, but when comparing the factor of safety cosmos produces 0.22. Which indicated that cosmos predicts the tube can only handle a load of .22 x 25000lbs. Maximum stress was 231447 psi.
When having the tube pull tested, the real world test we showed the bar still holding strong at over 49000lbs with out any major deformation.
Am I doing something qrong in cosmos? The setup if faily basic I select the material, create a restraint (normal to face) on one end of the bar. The create the force (normal to face) on the other end of the bar.