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Creation of Reference set and Moving components to that reference set by using Journal

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Mar 1, 2013
This is Praveen. I am new to NX 7.5. I need a journal in which a reference set should be created and all the components in my assembly should move into that reference set. Can u please help me in this issue.

Thanks in Advance

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Hi Ben Loosli and John,

I am really sorry for making you feel sad. To be frank I don`t have any idea about arrangements how use in NX 7.5. Thanks for your patience.

Thanks & Regards,
HAve you ever had a training class on using NX? If you are trying to learn it on your own, your company is wasting money by NOT training you to use the software properly. Traing is too often condsidered an expense when it should be considered an investment. Your company invetsed thousands of dollars in each seat of NX, training is a small amount to pay to get the most from that investment.

At the least, don't just dismiss an idea becasue you do not know how to do it. NX help should have an explaination of how it works and what you need to do.

"Wildfires are dangerous, hard to control, and economically catastrophic."

Ben Loosli
Thanks for your suggestion,

Actually I wont use NX frequently in my company. But I am working on manufacturing side., I am having little knowledge on NX. I have a few ideas to customize nx which helps in time saving. Out of that Reference set creation is one.

In fact I failed to explain you, what is my requirement about reference sets. But, you are giving the alternate solutions. Of course, that is good.

My intention to posting this thread is: I asked to help me, In Creating the journal ( where the action of journal should be like, It should create one new reference set and should add all assembly components to that reference set. This helps me in saving time ). Any way you have given me an idea about arrangements. I will work on that.

Thank you so much,
have a nice day.

Thanks & Regards,
If NX is set up properly, there is a default reference set in every model that contains all features. I am pretty sure it also contains all components of an assembly. Why create something that the software already does for you?

"Wildfires are dangerous, hard to control, and economically catastrophic."

Ben Loosli
By default, Components are NOT automatically added to the Model Reference Set (since it's not recommended), however, you can set an option in Customer Defaults which will override this.

But getting back to the original issue, since you've already admitted that you know nothing about Arrangements, by insisting on a Reference Set oriented approach, you're basically working AGAINST the way NX was designed to work in the first place. Even if your use of NX will be occasional, it's still to your and your company's advantage to use the software the way it was intended to be used since that will set the proper precedant for those who will be using it more extensively in the future. Old bad decisions can be very costly in terms of the time and effort needed to undo and correct them, particularly the longer that they are allowed to remain part of your day-to-day operations.

I'm just trying to make sure that you're heading in the right direction, that's all.

John R. Baker, P.E.
Product 'Evangelist'
Product Engineering Software
Siemens PLM Software Inc.
Industry Sector
Cypress, CA
Siemens PLM:
UG/NX Museum:

To an Engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
Yes John,
Now you are talking favorable to my post.

Till now I argued with foolish talk for creating new reference set. I realized to use model reference set. As you said in previous reply, assembly components will not add automatically to model reference set. Yes that`s right I want to make that operation automatic either by using journal or grip (or any of your suggestion). Generally we will add components manually to model reference set right. That`s why I thought to make automatic, For more clarity I have attached few images please have a look. (This is for example only)

Please forget about creation of reference set as I previously asked for. In attachments (Image 3) all sub level components 1 to 5 are included in reference set (T/L which I renamed the model reference set). I want to make this operation as automatic. (i.e by running journal or macro it should add all components to the default model reference set. I hope you can get clarity what actually i need.

Thanks john for understanding my need.

Thanks & Regards,
I understand WHAT you WANT to do, I just can't understand WHY you WANT to do this. You've never answered the question, "What is it that you think using Reference Sets will give you that you can't get using Arrangements?" Until you can answer that question... And don't come back with something related to the notion that since you've never worked with Arrangements before you're going to have to use Reference Sets which you seem to somehow be in love with, which I can't really understand how that can be since you've already admitted that you're not all that familiar with NX to start with. SO, are we going to get an answer to WHY?

John R. Baker, P.E.
Product 'Evangelist'
Product Engineering Software
Siemens PLM Software Inc.
Industry Sector
Cypress, CA
Siemens PLM:
UG/NX Museum:

To an Engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
Ok john,

I will try to give answer for your question.
If I use arrangements in my workplace. simply I am crossing my company standards. As of I know from last 6 to 8 years we were following by reference sets only, and we didn`t have any disadvantages by using reference sets.

We deal with large assemblies, That a part may contain 20 sub assemblies and each sub assembly may another 5 to 10 child components and so.on.

After finishing our model, It may contain curves and datum`s and CSYS`s what ever it may be. In order to avoid those things in next assembly. We will create reference set and add only components and bodies and we wont add any datum`s or csys. Again we wont stop here by creating one reference set.

Suppose I have a Resistor: ( A resistor which having coils on both ends )

after finishing modeling I will create one reference set and add bodies excluding datum`s and other stuff.
again I will create another reference set based on my requirement. Now, I will add only main body excluding the coils. So, By doing this when ever I do call this resistor with specific reference set, It only visible me what I added in previous. That is very simple.

The same we cant get through Arrangements. I believe that by using arrangements we can re position the child components in top level. Again I am saying Here it is not the point like which one should use either reference sets or arrangements. May be you have a wonderful experience in arrangements,I think that is the reason you are advising me not to go in wrong way . But it is not my company standards. This is the only reason for not using arrangements.

I hope you got the answer now.

Thanks & Regards,
Company standards based on what NX was capable of '6 to 8 years' ago should be updated to account for changes in the way the software works. Every release of NX should see a revision to your standards and procedures to take advantage of the power being given by that newer version of software.

"Wildfires are dangerous, hard to control, and economically catastrophic."

Ben Loosli
Thanks all for your support..

Finally I got the journal code...for creating reference set and adding components and objects to that reference set....

Thanks & Regards,
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