- Jan 16, 2024
- 33
I can't figure out what I need to fix to make the script fill the material field from a user parameter in CatPart (not from PartBody\Material).
Please help.
Thank you.
Piece of code.
I can't figure out what I need to fix to make the script fill the material field from a user parameter in CatPart (not from PartBody\Material).
Please help.
Thank you.
Piece of code.
ub CATFormatRBText(textName As String, anchorPosition As String)
'How to format the texts belonging to the titleblock
Text.Name = textName
Text.AnchorPosition = anchorPosition
Text.SetFontSize 0, 0, 5.
End Sub
Sub CATLinks()
Dim Material_1 As String
'How to fill in texts with data of the part/product linked with current sheet
On Error Resume Next
Dim ProductDrawn As ProductDocument
Set ProductDrawn = DrwSheet.Views.Item("Front view").GenerativeBehavior.Document
Set ProductDrawn = DrwSheet.Views.Item("Вид спереди").GenerativeBehavior.Document
If Err.Number = 0 Then
DrwTexts.GetItem("TitleBlock_Text_Number_1").Text = ProductDrawn.PartNumber
DrwTexts.GetItem("TitleBlock_Text_Number_2").Text = ProductDrawn.PartNumber
DrwTexts.GetItem("TitleBlock_Text_Title").Text = ProductDrawn.Nomenclature
'DrwTexts.GetItem("TitleBlock_Text_Designer_1").Text = ProductDrawn.Revision
'DrwTexts.GetItem("TitleBlock_Text_DDate_1").Text = ProductDrawn.Definition
Dim ProductAnalysis As Analyze
Set ProductAnalysis = ProductDrawn.Analyze
DrwTexts.GetItem("TitleBlock_Text_Weight_1").Text = FormatNumber(ProductAnalysis.Mass,3)
Material_1 = ProductDrawn.Name&"\Material"
Material_1 = ProductDrawn.Name&"\Материал"
Set Mat_1 = ProductDrawn.Parameters.Item(Material_1)
MM1 = Mat_1.ValueAsString
DrwTexts.GetItem("TitleBlock_Text_Material").Text = Mat_1.ValueAsString
DrwTexts.GetItem("Text_End_Area").Text = intParam1.ValueAsString
End If
' If No Material
'MsgBox "MM1иииии="+(MM1)
'MsgBox ProductDrawn.Name&"\Материал" +" nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn"
'MsgBox ProductDrawn.Parameters.count
'for i=1 to ProductDrawn.Parameters.count
' MsgBox ProductDrawn.Parameters.item(i).name +" "+ProductDrawn.Parameters.item(i).ValueAsString
If (MM1 <> "") Then
Material_1 = ProductDrawn.Name&"\PartBody\Material"
Set Mat_1 = ProductDrawn.Parameters.Item(Material_1)
MM1 = Mat_1.ValueAsString
DrwTexts.GetItem("TitleBlock_Text_Material").Text = Mat_1.ValueAsString
End If
If (MM1 <> "None") Then
Material_1 = ProductDrawn.Name&"\PartBody\Material"
Set Mat_1 = ProductDrawn.Parameters.Item(Material_1)
MM1 = Mat_1.ValueAsString
DrwTexts.GetItem("TitleBlock_Text_Material").Text = Mat_1.ValueAsString
End If
Dim NewText As DrawingTexts
Dim Variable As String
If (MM1 <> "") Then
Set NewText = DrwTexts.GetItem("TitleBlock_Text_Material")
Variable = InputBox(