Material should be Nickel, based on my experience. Regarding operation, should be forced circulation due to the viscosity of caustic at high concentration.
There are a number of people out there with experience building these.
Steam heated.
There are only two material options, Ni200 or 26-1S (E-Brite) superferritic SS.
Material should be Nickel, based on my experience. Regarding operation, should be forced circulation due to the viscosity of caustic at high concentration.
Get compact and energy-efficient caustic evaporation systems from Alfa Laval. Low operation temperatures and corrosion-resistant design means higher reliability and longer service lifetime.
You may want to contact them, both GEA and Alfa Laval
I believe that Graham Mfg also makes these.
I have made a lot of E-Brite for this service, and have seen tubes with more than 40 years of service.
The issue with Ni200 is that it will erode from the excess salt in the solution.
Hi Guys, I'm designing a pressure vessel with 250 C temperature and 20 barg for caustic soda 50%. Do you have any idea about material selection? I have read a couple of references like "Alloy selection for caustic soda service" and "NACE SP040315" but not applicable for this temperature. Thanks