- Sep 1, 2017
- 420
Demand Factor = Ratio of Actual demand to Nameplate rating.
Load Factor = Ratio of Actual demand to Nameplate rating (Same as demand factor).
Diversity Factor should be always greater than 1, but taken as 1.00 for continuous loads, 0.3-0.6 for Intermittent loads, 0.1 for standby loads.
What is the difference between demand factor and load factor?
Where should the demand factor and diversity factor be used?
Why Diversity factor is less than 1 in the above case?
How demand factor is used in feeder conductor and transformer sizing optimization? How is it different from diversity factor?
I have read the definitions of the aforementioned factors from the IEEE standard but those are different from those used in Oil & gas.
Load Factor = Ratio of Actual demand to Nameplate rating (Same as demand factor).
Diversity Factor should be always greater than 1, but taken as 1.00 for continuous loads, 0.3-0.6 for Intermittent loads, 0.1 for standby loads.
What is the difference between demand factor and load factor?
Where should the demand factor and diversity factor be used?
Why Diversity factor is less than 1 in the above case?
How demand factor is used in feeder conductor and transformer sizing optimization? How is it different from diversity factor?
I have read the definitions of the aforementioned factors from the IEEE standard but those are different from those used in Oil & gas.