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Do I let it go? 2

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May 23, 2008
So here's the story in short.

I have been looking for a new job for a few months now. Luckily I am still employed but everyday I come to work with fingers crossed that I will not see the HR manager come into my office.

I understand with the way the economy is companies are being a bit pickier about who they bring on board. I just have noticed that in doing so, they are being very unprofessional about it.

The one interview went like this, I contacted the engineering manager after being referred to him by one of their suppliers. We set up an interview for 2:00 one day. I was supposed to meet with four people and when I got there I talked to the guy I had been in contact with for a few minutes, he showed me around, and when we got back he went to get the others. He comes back and says, "well they have a meeting here at 2:30 so we wont be able to do this today. We will get back to you in a week to reschedule." Now this interview was over 2 hours away and I had to take a day off my job to go. And he knew all of that and didn't apologize or anything.

Now the other one that has me angered went as follows. I interviewed and it went great. I got along great with the two I met with and I got asked for a second interview. That one went just as good. He said they would get back to me within a week with a decision. Two weeks go by with nothing. So I call and leave a voicemail and he calls back a few days later and said they got caught up with stuff and will be making the decision within a week. So I let another week and a half go by with nothing so I call again, leave voicemail, and a week later have heard nothing. I emailed him 8 days after calling and asked if they have made a decision and if he could get back to me. That was two weeks ago and have still heard nothing.

Like I said I understand companies are taking time to make sure they have the right person to hire but I feel this is just outright rude to ignore me after having two interviews. Should I send a "Thanks for not getting back to me" email or just let it go? Is this how most companies are? Just ignoring people when they try to follow up?

Sorry for the novel but I am a bit frustrated by this and needed to vent and ask if this is how it's going to be and just accept it or what.

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That is pretty typical in my recent experience, but I think it probably has more to do with positions getting put on hold then not making a decision. I agree it is unprofessional not to get back to you and let you know the reason for the delay. I would let it go, there is a company I wanted to blast recently, but they could be a customer in the future, so I decided to do the right thing and bite my lip.

If you really want the job, then follow up with them every week or two. If they still do not get back to you, then you should look elsewhere, it could be an indication of what it will be like to work for them.
This is very common.
The more technology is available to communicate with others (email, IM, cell), the less people are eager to communicate. People have become lazier.
If you really want the job, call them...every other day.
If you don't, forget them.

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With company #2, I would change my message. Stop asking if they made a decision. Obviously, you would hear from them if they did. Instead, contact them periodically to simply remind them that you are still interested.
With the second company the phone messages I have been leaving were, "I am just wanting to follow up with you regarding our meeting" sort of thing. The first company I have given up on since I definitely do not want to work with someone who would have no problem doing something like that. I was just giving an example and asking if that sort of thing it common these days.

Fortunately the company I am most interested in has been very prompt about getting back to me and letting me know the status no matter what it is. Yes it has been a looooong process since the first time we were in contact was early November but the guy is very nice and since they are awaiting a huge government contract I can understand the delay. He will even periodically email me out of the blue to let me know I am a top candidate and he is just waiting to finalize the contract still.

I just feel that contacting people every week when they won't answer calls or emails seems desperate and annoying. It just angers me that people can be so unprofessional. Especially after having two face to face interviews with the guy.
similar thing ahppened to me me with a job interview. spent a few hours travelling to find the guy I was meeting was at a parent teacher thing that he forgot about. His deputy talked to me and basically showed me a couple of projects that they were working on and asked if i was still intersted (he obviously had no say though). Anyway they called me for another interview and assessment session where i was interviewed by a few senior management. I nearly told them where to go after the first farce but went anyway, got the job and they turned out to be a very good company. Although i didnt stay long due to personnel geographical reasons with hindsight, for a few years i wished I had stayed. All i'm saying is dont judge completly a company on the that first meeting, although its hard not to form a negative opinion when messed about initially.
The worst part is the guy never even got back to me to reschedule it. He didn't ask me one single question while I was there so it's not like I messed up and they changed their mind already.
He may have already decided on a different candidate for the job. Or the funding for the position fell through and he was just going through the motions.

Peter Stockhausen
Senior Design Analyst (Checker)
Infotech Aerospace Services
There is a certain company in my area that is really bad for "near-hires experiences". They open positions, interview, and then fade away. Positions are often closed or frozen without any notice to candidates.
We used to have lots of positions that were already slated for H-1B candidates, and the job postings were pro-forma and not intended to find the best candidate for the slot.


Some companies are just fishing, trying to hook the super-engineer, without having an actual position available.

If they catch a big one they will make room (possibly by showing someone else the door in a few months time).

You can't entirely blame companies for wanting to improve their staff, it's similar to us employees looking to improve their employment conditions/pay.
"We used to have lots of positions that were already slated for H-1B candidates, and the job postings were pro-forma and not intended to find the best candidate for the slot. "

Grrr. That is so...grr. H-1B visas are intended for hiring persons where you've tried and not been able to locate a US candidate... grr.

Sorry. I bet you can't tell that I've been caught by those little traps before. I suppose it's legal...since it's hard to prove intent to defraud.
Is that where they have the "must have a cat named Fluffy" requirements to bring in the specific candidate?


Eng-Tips policies: faq731-376
Sure, we used to do that with sole source justifications for buying test equipment.

"The scope shall have a dial with 11 positions for controlling vertical scale."


Good ecomony or bad ecomony, I've had the same experiences with company interviews.

Remember - Not only is the company interviewing you, you are interviewing the company. These two companies have just indirectly provided you with information about how they operate - probably not well!

If you interviewed a potential candidate, and they couldn't meet you on schedule, would you hire them? Now, think of how it would be at working at a company that couldn't organize a interview - how would it be for the projects you would be working on?
There are some critical differences. You can't separate an interviewee's brain from his spleen. But in an organization that's got more than 1 person, individual performance many vary.

I've seen a CMMI 5 certified organization with individuals who refused to follow company policies and procedures. Another CMMI 5 organization can't seem to specify their way out of a wet paper bag.

The list is endless, even within my own organization.


If you are a good candidate, employers will not tell you NO.
They will keep you as a back up of sort, just in case that "bright guy" they banked their money on is asking too much.
Then, you'd be the fall back guy.

Runner ups are always hanged up in the air, and you may be one.
The answer to your question from this angle: Let it go.
Sounds like THE ex-girlfriend. I was always "Plan B," in case the current, exciting, hunk crashed and burned, which was often the case, but she would keep trying that route, instead of me.

But, I got the last laugh; the last time we spoke, she called and asked if we could get together, and I replied that I would have to coordinate with my fiancee. Sweet!!!


Sadly this kind of thing isn't that unusual. I got my share of it when I was last looking for jobs.

My current position took weeks to get the paperwork in order, if something else had come up I'd have taken it.

In fact my first job out of uni, I took the first position that 'got their poop in a group' about actually giving me a definite job offer even though I had a few other, arguably more tempting positions, that were dragging it out.

Mistakes etc, do happen such as teh scheduling issue, so you can't 100% say they'd be a bad employer, however it's not a good start.


Have you reminded yourself of faq731-376 recently, or taken a look at posting policies: What is Engineering anyway: faq1088-1484
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