- Nov 30, 2018
- 322
I just finished a project upgrading 90's era protection and excitation with modern digital units. We had a very large number of red and green marks on our drawings at the end as the engineering was not exactly complete when handed to us. Part of this were the relay settings and various hardwired and soft (digital) alarms.
In reviewing the relay settings, it seems that accommodations were made for alarm level of Dev 24 (Volts/Hz) and 46 (Neg Sequence / Current Unbalance), but I see no mention of them in the DCS alarm logs. We do have alarms for the trip from these elements. The relay settings are poorly documented and didn't include any target logic.
During online AVR testing, I saw these alarm points at their respective relays, but no indication at DCS when we were testing various points on the capability curve. Both of our Scada and relay groups had their hands full just getting everything functioning properly and I'm wondering if the Alarm points for these elements were missed. We're preparing for another unit retrofit, so making and testing the changes shouldn't be a large effort.
No one on sight seems to have any insight as to whether these alarms should be active in DCS. This peaking plant is dispatched and monitored remotely.
Are these alarms commonly utilized in utility operations for 100MW machines?
In reviewing the relay settings, it seems that accommodations were made for alarm level of Dev 24 (Volts/Hz) and 46 (Neg Sequence / Current Unbalance), but I see no mention of them in the DCS alarm logs. We do have alarms for the trip from these elements. The relay settings are poorly documented and didn't include any target logic.
During online AVR testing, I saw these alarm points at their respective relays, but no indication at DCS when we were testing various points on the capability curve. Both of our Scada and relay groups had their hands full just getting everything functioning properly and I'm wondering if the Alarm points for these elements were missed. We're preparing for another unit retrofit, so making and testing the changes shouldn't be a large effort.
No one on sight seems to have any insight as to whether these alarms should be active in DCS. This peaking plant is dispatched and monitored remotely.
Are these alarms commonly utilized in utility operations for 100MW machines?