- Oct 9, 2004
- 778
It would be nice to have a review.
There are many things that irk me about M13 and I refuse to upgrade until they are fixed.
A few of the things are:
a-b seems to be always displayed as -b+a.
Mathcad doesn't generate proper html files because the paths use \ instead of /.
Editing still has flaws. Sometimes Mathcad can figure out where to put the brackets. I put the cursor where I want to put the bracket and Mathcad puts the bracket some other place.
The symbolic solver took a step backwards from M13 to M14. There are problems I can solve with M13 that M14 can't.
Scrolling or selecting long equations that stretch across a page is difficult and slow if there are intense calculations. Mathcad keeps moving the cursor back towards the center of the line and makes it hard to select the whole line.
I still must do too much cutting and pasting compared to wxMaxima were a whole formula can be represent by a symbol or variable. One can select the right or left hand side and manipulate the forumula.
The documentation for the optimizers is not clear. The quasi-Newton only needs a score but the Levenberg-Marquardt needs an array of errors. What does the conjugate gradient need?
I can't substitute a symbol for an expression. This would make many long expressions shorter because often they have a square root term that is used many times.
It would be nice if there was a way to force expressions to wrap on the same page
Often I am smarter than Mathcad and would like to have and assist mode where I can simply do an operation to both sides the an equation.
Peter Nachtwey
Delta Computer Systems
There are many things that irk me about M13 and I refuse to upgrade until they are fixed.
A few of the things are:
a-b seems to be always displayed as -b+a.
Mathcad doesn't generate proper html files because the paths use \ instead of /.
Editing still has flaws. Sometimes Mathcad can figure out where to put the brackets. I put the cursor where I want to put the bracket and Mathcad puts the bracket some other place.
The symbolic solver took a step backwards from M13 to M14. There are problems I can solve with M13 that M14 can't.
Scrolling or selecting long equations that stretch across a page is difficult and slow if there are intense calculations. Mathcad keeps moving the cursor back towards the center of the line and makes it hard to select the whole line.
I still must do too much cutting and pasting compared to wxMaxima were a whole formula can be represent by a symbol or variable. One can select the right or left hand side and manipulate the forumula.
The documentation for the optimizers is not clear. The quasi-Newton only needs a score but the Levenberg-Marquardt needs an array of errors. What does the conjugate gradient need?
I can't substitute a symbol for an expression. This would make many long expressions shorter because often they have a square root term that is used many times.
It would be nice if there was a way to force expressions to wrap on the same page
Often I am smarter than Mathcad and would like to have and assist mode where I can simply do an operation to both sides the an equation.
Peter Nachtwey
Delta Computer Systems