- Mar 25, 2016
- 15
Hi everybody,
I have done an analysis in abaqus and then I had to export the final part geometry in a CAD file. But unfortunately the abaqus add-on for direct export of the final part geometry is not working so I have to write a python script for it. There was a thread many years ago and one of the members here (cdeepakroy) wrote a script but it was 2D and he saved it in VTK. Does anybody know how whould be script if it were to be 3D and saved as VRML or STL?
Here is the script:
# create odb object from odb file
outputDatabase = session.openOdb(name= ImplantAnalysisJob.name + '.odb' )
# get access to the nodal displacement data
frame = outputDatabase.steps[ '<give-step-name-here>' ].frames[-1]
dispField = frame.fieldOutputs['U']
# get access to the part instance -- thru which u can access the undeformed nodal position coordinates
my_part_instance = outputDatabase.rootAssembly.instances['PART-1-1']
# Write deformed shape to vtk file
# NOTE: if you want to export to a different file format, you should appropriate code for that file format here
outFile = open( 'deformed_shape.vtk' , 'w' )
# write vtk header
outFile.write( '# vtk DataFile Version 3.0' )
outFile.write( '\nvtk output' )
outFile.write( '\nASCII' )
# write points
numNodesTotal = len( my_part_instance.nodes )
outFile.write( '\n\nPOINTS ' + str( numNodesTotal ) + ' float' )
for i in range( numNodesTotal ):
curNode = my_part_instance.nodes
defNodePos = curNode.coordinates + dispField.values.data
outFile.write( '\n' )
for j in range( 3 ):
outFile.write( str( defNodePos[j] ) + ' ' )
# write cells
numElementsTotal = len( my_part_instance.elements )
outFile.write( '\n\nCELLS ' + str( numElementsTotal ) + ' ' + str( numElementsTotal * 5 ) )
for i in range( numElementsTotal ):
curElement = list( [4] + list( my_part_instance.elements.connectivity ) )
outFile.write( '\n' )
for j in range( 5 ):
outFile.write( str( curElement[j] ) + ' ' )
# write cell types
outFile.write( '\n\nCELL_TYPES ' + str( numElementsTotal ) )
for i in range( numElementsTotal ):
outFile.write( '\n10' )
# write cell data
outFile.write( '\n\nCELL_DATA ' + str( numElementsTotal ) )
# write point data
outFile.write( '\n\nPOINT_DATA ' + str( numNodesTotal ) )
Hi everybody,
I have done an analysis in abaqus and then I had to export the final part geometry in a CAD file. But unfortunately the abaqus add-on for direct export of the final part geometry is not working so I have to write a python script for it. There was a thread many years ago and one of the members here (cdeepakroy) wrote a script but it was 2D and he saved it in VTK. Does anybody know how whould be script if it were to be 3D and saved as VRML or STL?
Here is the script:
# create odb object from odb file
outputDatabase = session.openOdb(name= ImplantAnalysisJob.name + '.odb' )
# get access to the nodal displacement data
frame = outputDatabase.steps[ '<give-step-name-here>' ].frames[-1]
dispField = frame.fieldOutputs['U']
# get access to the part instance -- thru which u can access the undeformed nodal position coordinates
my_part_instance = outputDatabase.rootAssembly.instances['PART-1-1']
# Write deformed shape to vtk file
# NOTE: if you want to export to a different file format, you should appropriate code for that file format here
outFile = open( 'deformed_shape.vtk' , 'w' )
# write vtk header
outFile.write( '# vtk DataFile Version 3.0' )
outFile.write( '\nvtk output' )
outFile.write( '\nASCII' )
# write points
numNodesTotal = len( my_part_instance.nodes )
outFile.write( '\n\nPOINTS ' + str( numNodesTotal ) + ' float' )
for i in range( numNodesTotal ):
curNode = my_part_instance.nodes
defNodePos = curNode.coordinates + dispField.values.data
outFile.write( '\n' )
for j in range( 3 ):
outFile.write( str( defNodePos[j] ) + ' ' )
# write cells
numElementsTotal = len( my_part_instance.elements )
outFile.write( '\n\nCELLS ' + str( numElementsTotal ) + ' ' + str( numElementsTotal * 5 ) )
for i in range( numElementsTotal ):
curElement = list( [4] + list( my_part_instance.elements.connectivity ) )
outFile.write( '\n' )
for j in range( 5 ):
outFile.write( str( curElement[j] ) + ' ' )
# write cell types
outFile.write( '\n\nCELL_TYPES ' + str( numElementsTotal ) )
for i in range( numElementsTotal ):
outFile.write( '\n10' )
# write cell data
outFile.write( '\n\nCELL_DATA ' + str( numElementsTotal ) )
# write point data
outFile.write( '\n\nPOINT_DATA ' + str( numNodesTotal ) )