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How to deal with Stress 4

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Jul 13, 2006
Hi fellas,
Well, it is impossible not to have stress in this bussines and almost in whatever work you have. Question for everybody,
How do you deal with stress? (i.e. project due date, conflicts, professional or personal, etc..)
Do you bike? Go to a bar? Movies? Read a book or go to the park, family? anyways, you are welcome to share your tips, opinions and experiences.

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It's all a mind thing. Other people do not stress you out, you do!!! Think about it. You can choose how to react to any given situation. The repetitive problems coming to you time and time again require you to either react negatively to it or require you to place the responsibility onto the people that are not dealing with it as they should. We tend to be beasts of burden in this life, we like to take on everyone elses problems, thus, stress. Do you bring "work" home with you? Is that your purpose in life . . . work??? Learn to let go, drop it at the door when you leave work, it's still going to be there when you arrive the next day. You don't have to guard and protect your precious stresses and problems like a bag of gold ! Enjoy life. No trying to prosyletize here, but the Good Book, yes the Bible, has the answer for you. Name the problem, the solution is in there. Peace of mind in an unpeaceful world, you can't beat it!
good point, orney!

When a person get exhausted and confused on how to deal with it, sometimes they'll get lost. The fact, they're too different from you.. :)

When they get lost, maybe this the time to gather a sort of advice or maybe the worst, why not undegone a STRESS MANAGEMENT Program.

Our HR just sent out a new listing of courses (with the subject "XXX courses", but that's another matter altogether) that we can take online. There's a whole series on "Dealing With Difficult People".

I can't say that I'm really learning anything to address any of the situations around me (mostly confirming my own notions of common sense), but at least the time spent working through the courses is itself stress-free yet work-related. (Kinda like Eng-Tips.)


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HgTx, That's what HR should care about, sending their
capital resources (manpower) to such seminar or workshop.
I dont think online course is effective to people who is not a proactive. I think they need a workshop, somewhat an interactive and hands-on seminar that would lead to actual situation as it was portrayed. This would really a exciting and a boredom-free activites than sitting all day of the course or sitting alone on the on-line seminar.

We have close similar workshop we had as yours - i think, the few are;

- 7 habits of effective people
- Stress management
- Anger management
- How to handle difficult people,

Agree, I don't think online is effective. It takes a convincing person and a few days' of training to make you see the light, i.e. stress is in your head and is your own responsibility, not anyone else's.

BTW I have noticed stress is also heavily dependent on fatigue. When I'm tired I'm sometimes overwhelmed by all the things I *have* to do. Now that I've noticed this I tell myself: OK OK I'm just tired now, no panic, let's see what the world looks like tomorrow morning - this helps a lot.
Most of those classes come down to common sense anyway. I'd rather do them online; I can get through them faster (at least the ones where I can read instead of listening to the audio). I probably wouldn't take them, or at least not nearly as many of them, if I had to go spend half a day sitting in a classroom. I suppose if I took an online one that was telling me a whole lot I didn't already know, I might consider looking into a more in-depth "real" class.


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"..spend half a day sitting in a classroom. "

In interactive workshops (seminars) - most cases, i never experience sitting half day. There's a lot of activities as interacting with participants, portraying some instances, etc. It's fun and really convincing. Hence, you'll never fell bored and sleepy.

Good for you! What a proactive you are! you really do appreciate such enhancement you did.

But once, again i dont think it's effective for a person who fells not interested of the subject as doing alone on web seminars.

You have better seminars than mine. Most of ours are someone taking half a day to tell me what I could have read from the course materials in about 45 mintes. Then there's maybe 10 minutes of good interactive discussion.


Eng-Tips policies: faq731-376
That is the Kantonese rice dilemma. Sometimes you have to eat a lot of rice for one slice of the sausage.
Strangely, if you reduce the rice over sausage ratio, or try to eat the sausage by itself without the rice, it's not as good anymore.
There's an optimum somewhere.
In any case if there are many attendants, you can always sit in the back and bring other work with you (the equivalent of having a beer while you're eating the rice).
I experienced stress relief when I was told I had 3 months to live. My liver was being destroyed by HEP "C" from a blood transfusion I had 20 years earlier. I recall that as I approached the end how I accepted the possibility; and how many times I used to worry about so many things that that didn't seem very important anymore. Well as you can see, I'm still here because at the last moment UCLA called me at 3:00 AM and said they had a match liver for me, that was 8 glories years ago. After a 1 year recovery I went back to CAL. State Long Beach and at 62 years of age FINALLY received my B.S. and Teaching Credentials. I now teach at a Community College and love it....LIFE IS GOOD!!
PS My granddaughter and I had our graduation picture taken togather in cap and gown.
That goes to show that everything IS relative. After having to go through that type of stress, everything else must seem like a cakewalk! Glad you're here to share with us. Now if we could all try to see from that perspective.
True, there is always somebody worse of, or more stressed out than yourself. But sometimes that doesn't make it any easier to deal with even though you know it should.

My philosophy is just to get things done and dealt with. If something is bothering you that you can influence, then just deal with it there and then and get it done. The things that stress me out the most are the things that I have just left hoping they will go away.

If you can't influence it than don't worry about it, just try to enjoy the ride.
Just like to add, obviously in Imok2's case this was a bit more severe. My post was more about the day to day stresses and problems that can get you down.

Didn't want to appear insensitive at all.
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