- Jan 4, 2002
- 274
For determining a design live area load on an elevated, framed passenger train platform, the IBC 2000 table 1607.1 is not much help. I am thinking to treat the platform as an "exit" and use 100 psf.
For concentrated design loads there is the 300-pounds-on-4-square-inches rule normally used on stair treads and the 2000-pound-load-over 2.5 sq ft per sec 1607.4 for floors. So I will probably check both. My question is what have others used as live loading criteria in this situation?
AREMA manual was no help on these questions, it appears to defer to local codes regarding design live loads.
For concentrated design loads there is the 300-pounds-on-4-square-inches rule normally used on stair treads and the 2000-pound-load-over 2.5 sq ft per sec 1607.4 for floors. So I will probably check both. My question is what have others used as live loading criteria in this situation?
AREMA manual was no help on these questions, it appears to defer to local codes regarding design live loads.