I am currently doing the inter rivet buckling analysis. The formula which I am using from Bruhn chapter C7.14 which suggest me to use tangent modulus. My applied stress at the current location is -357MPa, where as my material Fcy is 290MPa. If I try to find the Tangent modulus using Ramberg-Osgood relation (C2.4 of Bruhn) I found Tangent modulus is 296.9MPa, If I use this in my IRB formula, I am getting allowable inter rivet buckling at this locations as 4.6MPa, which looks like very odd. Please suggest me, how to approach this formula for my case.
clamping factor = 4
pitch = 29.22
Ec = 70300MPa
nc= 17
applied = -357.623MPa
Fcy= 290MPa
Thanks in advance.
I am currently doing the inter rivet buckling analysis. The formula which I am using from Bruhn chapter C7.14 which suggest me to use tangent modulus. My applied stress at the current location is -357MPa, where as my material Fcy is 290MPa. If I try to find the Tangent modulus using Ramberg-Osgood relation (C2.4 of Bruhn) I found Tangent modulus is 296.9MPa, If I use this in my IRB formula, I am getting allowable inter rivet buckling at this locations as 4.6MPa, which looks like very odd. Please suggest me, how to approach this formula for my case.
clamping factor = 4
pitch = 29.22
Ec = 70300MPa
nc= 17
applied = -357.623MPa
Fcy= 290MPa
Thanks in advance.