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investigating a lug failure and subsequent motor trip? 8

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May 4, 2001
Motor Nameplate data – 3500hp, 13.2kv 324rpm, 60hz, vertical squirrel cage induction motor. FLA = 153A. LRC = 989 at full current.

Motor Protection
CT ratio is 40:1
Instantaneous trip, High dropout trip and Time Overcurrent functions provided by IAC66M3A relay as follows:
Instantaneous trip 50A CT secondary (2000A primary)
High dropout trip – 30A CT secondary (1200A primary). Only trips if current remains above this level after 0.1 seconds.
Time overcurrent trip – 5A CT secondary (200A primary), Time Dial setting 2
Time overcurrent alarm (B-phase only) – 5A CT secondary (200A primary), Time Dial setting 1.5
Note that this relay is described at Negative sequence current trip (46 device) – GE 12KJC51E2A – set at slope=125%, TD=4
Ground overcurrent alarm – IAC77A relay fed from window type CT enclosing all three phases.

Time vs current curves for motor protection and starting are shown in slide 1 of the following powerpoint

History – motor was rewound in 2000. T-leads were 2AWG. 1/0 lug was crimped on using hydraulic crimping tool. As far as I know this within the lug manufacturer’s recommendations. All testing including surge testing and resistance testing was sat and balanced (we have the results).

Motor operated with no problem from 2000 until Fall 2005 (started and stopped approximately 20 times)

Upon starting motor in Oct 2005 following a system maintenance period (no motor work done, space heaters were energized), the motor tripped 2.5 seconds after start.

The following relays were tripped: 51G, A-phase HDO. No other alarms or flags were received.
The term box was inspected. Phases are ordered A, B, C from left to right. The rectangular plate is where the T-leads exit the motor in the following order (L to R): 5,1,2,6,4,3. Inspection of the term box showed evidence of slight surface tracking at where an insulating tie was used to position the unshielded cables in the vicinity of T5 (B-phase neutral), T1 (A-phase line), and the B-phase coupling capacitor jumper (slides 2,3). Further inspection of these points, including removal of the insulating tie, showed only a black residue, but no apparent insulation damage. Visual inspection did not show any apparent insulation damage at other locations including the C-phase. There is a single pock-mark on the back of the panel which would either be an arc strike mark or a copper bead.

The Raychem tape insulation was removed which revealed that T-3 (C-phase line lead) lug barrel was melted away. (SLIDES 4,5,6). The other T-lead lugs were inspected. On T2 lug there were 2 or 3 strands that appeared to be broken. Otherwise everything looked good.

The T1,T2,T3 lugs were replaced (not T4,T5,T6), residue removed, motor reterminated and re-taped. Passed PI, megger (5,000 megaohms plus), bridge test, and dc step voltage test to 24kvdc (I know that’s a little low) with no nonlinearities.

Upon starting the motor, further anomalies were noted which were eventually traced to the pump. Current went from LRC to 140A (normal), then back up to 190, 140, 190, 140 over the course of several minutes. Unusual noises were heard. Inspection of the pump showed the impeller had rubbed against the bowl due to loosening of anti-rotation pins outisde the bowl.

So now I am trying to make sense of all of this:
1 – Why did the A phase high dropout relay trip upon open-circuit of the C-phase lug? It seems to me that what initially looked like tracking at the A/B phase locations was just residue from a fault on C-phase.... based on inspection results and the fact that hi-pot later passed (although we only tested phase-to-ground, not phase-to-phase). I think that the failure of C-phase was energetic and pushed a pin-hole in the raychem taped which was missed during visual inspection (how could the Raychem tape stay intact when copper inside was melted) and through black soot in the direction of A/B phases and a single copper bead behind A/B phases. I think that due to failure of the C-phase during start (before motor up to speed), A and B phases were drawing more than locked rotor current resulting in the A-phase HDO. And the ground trip was either a result of arcing associated with the C phase failure or else due to unbalanced motor terminal voltages during the fault which would create unbalanced current to ground through the ground-connected motor surge caps. Reasonable?
2 – Any relationship between the pump event and motor event? Most people here believe the lug was already bad and the pump problem created longer duration starting which pushed it over the edge. That may be reasonable, but I’m a little skeptical since we didn’t get a time-overcurrent trip which is what might be expected in that scenario. Looking to explore that further. The pump engineer is also exploring some scenario’s where the trip upon start may have created an unusual hydraulic transient which pushed the pump over the edge, but that’s outside my scope of interest.
3 – How can we detect or prevent this? We do not do periodic tests of winding resistance because we don’t believe it is a very sensitive test, particularly when performed from the switchgear through several hundred yards of cable. To perform from the motor would require determinating. Note also that winding resistance test at rewind shop was sat. After this event I fear the only possible
4 – I have the failed lug as well as a sister crimped connection that we removed on the motor. Are there any inspections that should be done? I am a little skeptical whether there is anything useful that will come out of sending the sister lug out for analysis ($).
5 – Anything else we should look at to understand and prevent this occurence?

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A cut perpendicular to the lug drum will embed copper chips into the air spaces giving a wrong appearance of correct filling, since the drum remains as a solid pipe after the cut.

With a Lengthwise cut, if the crimped areas are not fused, the strands will fall apart loose.

I have experienced similar evaporation of terminals; apparently plasma is developed providing paths to ground or between phases.
I've seen a few lugs break off over the years. The tab usually ends up with a little less of the barrel attached than your burnt one but it's hard to tell in the picture. They break (obviously) in the transition between the barrel and the tab. The worst was one bad shipment of lugs where two units had about 6 out of 54 lugs break during shipping, along with a few other failures.

Seeing that T5 lead running between (against?) the T1 and T2 leads like that just doesn't impress me very much.

Thx aolalde, that makes sense.

Lionel - I think what you are suggesting is that the lug mechanically broke due to a preexisting flaw? In absence of amy mechanical stress? I have a hard time understanding that.

There was some slack in the lead so there should have been no tension on the lug. Althgough this particular T-lead did have the least slack of all 6 leads (only about 1/4" slack after repair, slightly more before the failure but still less than all the others as you can probably see from the photo's). Coincidence? I hate coincidences. Maybe the installers found some need to bend that lug slightly during installation? That would create a weakness that might make mechanical failure more likely.

As you say, if the break occurred at that point, we might expect the tab to be more damaged than it is. Here the damage seems confined to the barrel which seems to argue the fault started there rather than at junctio of barrel/tab. I'm somewhat at a loss as to how to evaluate this failure mode (mechanical).

Going back over the relay scenario, I think I settle on the following scenario:
- Open circuit in C phase creates high current in A and B phases which trips A phase HDO. (If locked rotor current is 989, it doesn't seem unreasonable that we'd get to 1200A HDO setpoint during single-phase conditoin). A and B phase time overcurrent trip and B phase time overcurrent alarm do not flag because the transient is not long enough.
- Ground overcurrent due to rapidly changing voltage as the connection opens/arcs, creating an intermittent connection on an inductive load. The rapidly changing voltage at C-phase terminal creates current in the ground-connected caps which is not balanced and does not sum to 0 (note the surge cap is connected to the portion of the bus that remained connected).

I reject the possibility of actual ground current because there is not a ground plane close by and I didn't see any arc strike in the terminal box (other than pock mark behind A phase which seeems too far away... must be molten copper).

With ground current out of the picture, there is no reason to suspect C-phase / A phase swap, since the open circuited phase is not going to have a high current.

Sound reasonable?

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I said before that both CT's were 40:1. That is wrong.

The CT feeding the instantaneous, HDO and time overcurrent is 40:1.

The CT feeding the ground current relay is 10:1

Surge caps are 0.25 microFarads.
At power frequency, Xc:=1/(2*3.141*60*C) ~ 1E4
Each cap draws approx current
VLG/Xc ~0.75A

Unbalance of power frequency voltages could not generate enough current to reach the the pickup of 1A secondary (10A primary)

The only way the caps come into the ground trip picture is if the frequency is higher due to possible voltage transients associated with arcing connection. But then it still has to last long enough to generate a trip. Hmm.

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Have you ever considered PdMA corp testing. Your power plant with all its motors would realy benefit from the tester. The MCE EMax tester will detect poor lead connections while the motor is running. We sell the units in Canada but I am not the best person to ask as it is Electrical, where my forte is Mechanical. Also a point to note, Many repair shops do not put on the same size lead wire as the OEM, due to the fact they don't often read the electrical code correctly. ASK the OEM what size the cable should be ? Is the cable correct ? When cutting the insul from the lead, did they cut a few wires as well ? With lugs on motors in high amperage draws we always solder as well as crimp. We also prefer the square crimp rather than the indent crimp ? any comments on this from others ?
I'm just saying we've had some lugs here that would break with little effort so they must have been flawed. We've also had switch tabs that are cast pieces of copper (probably an alloy actually) where the lug for the wire would just about fall off when we'd touch it. So, defects do happen. But, you're right because I'd expect more damage to the tab end than what appears in the picture. Stranger things have happened though.

Hi Pete
I don't think I would assume the pit by "A phase is copper splatter because it is nicely centered in some black soot. I associate the soot with current.

The presence of black soot indicates enough current that resulted in equipment damage. In a recent failure I was involved with at 5 kv inside a JB, we cut back the cable that was located in the area of greatest soot and found a insulation failure about 2 ft back from the terminal underneath the stress relief.

I can't understand the photos. The lug that failed seems to be connected to the same bus as another lug that did not fail. What is this common point?
Thx Gords. I appreciate your opinion.

Your example of damage hidden within the cable under the stress cone - there was a ground plane at the stress cone to provide a path for the cable to fail internally. These are unshielded leads. I have a hard time imagining any internal failure without external evidence within unsheilded cable since you would have to exit the cable to adjacent cable or ground to complete the circuit.

I don't associate the black soot with current. Two reasons: 1 - there is black soot on the plastic white rectangle which supports the 6 T-leads going between motor and term box. 2 - If you look at the pattern of the black soot, you see a white spot to the left of that rectangle. To me it is as if the soot thrown from C-phase was shielded by the plastic plate which is raised slightly above the back of the term box. If it were current, it would be looking fo the closest path to ground which would be immediately adjacent to that white rectangle.

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"I can't understand the photos. The lug that failed seems to be connected to the same bus as another lug that did not fail. What is this common point?"

There is one bus per phase. Each bus has two connections on top (T-lead and PD coupler jumper) and two connections on bottom (power cable and surge cap jumper).

The evaporated lug is associated with motor C phase T-lead T3. The lug just to the right of it would be C phase coupling capacitor jumper.

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