I was studying ISO 5211 for part-turn or quarter-turn actuators. Can someone please explain to me what a spigot is? In regards to the intermediate flange between the actuator and the valve.
When you have a question like this, it is always best to start with a Dictionary. spigot
[ spig-uh t ] noun
1, a small peg or plug for stopping the vent of a cask.
2, a peg or plug for stopping the passage of liquid in a faucet or cock.
3, a faucet or cock for controlling the flow of liquid from a pipe or the like.
the end of a pipe that enters the enlarged end of another pipe to form a joint.
nozzle, valve, plug, vent, stopper, tap, spout, outlet, spile, stopple
Sometimes its possible to do all the right things and still get bad results