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Job insecurity 1

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Sep 13, 2002

I got colleagues who are quite far older than me, thus you'll surely think im a newcomer. I can ride on with their jokes and well, i can say its a good companion as an associate.

But one thing i could'nt ride on or i would say opposing to their acts when unexpected plant shutdown or even a minor troubleshooting; i found out they're not cooperative and a lot of time i catch up reading their "safekeep" diagrams or a operating manual itself..

Do this acts common to all engineering discipline?

How you deal this colleagues to promote teamwork?

I therefore, think they do the latter to protect themselves as job security (??), Am i right?

What would be the drawback on such case?



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Bil, apologies if I’ve misunderstood your post but for your consideration:

There’s a chance it could be for job security but it’s not the only option.

It may be that at least some of these guys have what they consider reason not to go out of their way for the company or even you. Maybe they’ve been lied to & mislead by management. Maybe they’ve helped new hires in the past only for the new hire to get all the credit and glory while they are overlooked.

There are many reasons while as some people progress in their careers they get less flexible and less willing to go out of their way for others/’the company’, and of course some people (hopefully few) are just always like this

Presumably though if you do associate with your colleagues you should have started to pick up on this.

Look at your own behavior and why they might be acting like that toward you. Do you come off as arrogant or someone that would advance yourself at their expense. Have you gone out of your way to fit in, to acknowledge that they are more experienced and generally have the advantage over you. There were a couple of people at my last place who, though great at their jobs, could be real awkward but I bent over backwards to get on with them and it paid off in leaps and bounds within a few months. Do you pick up the odd menial task to save them from doing it etc.

I’m not talking about becoming completely subservient but just showing them the respect they probably feel they deserve.

Also is their being uncooperative just them expecting you to do your job not have them do it for you?

If they do have reason to have issues with the company there’s not much you can do except try and get them to like you so much that they go out of their way for you not the company. Same end result, different reason.

Of course if it is genuinely them being miserable human beings then stick it out, and do the best you can until you have enough experience to move on.

Hope it’s taken in the spirit it’s meant and that it helps.

All the best,



Ken, i appreciate your point!

Indeed your in the right track as "Maybe they’ve helped new hires in the past only for the new hire to get all the credit and glory while they are overlooked".. I bet this is the other angle of possibility, the fact i knew i think 2 personnel in the past was promoted while the company overlooked themselves.

I think about my behavior is ruled out as i mention above, our companionship is - i can say very good in most situation but it only the case when plants' troubleshooting is taken place.. the're fond of "HIDING" diagrams, documents, operating manual, and all others pertaining to systems' plan, revision, and as built plan. The new manager got irritated when he knew that there wasn't substantial documents and diagrams left on the shelves - remarkably he said, JUNK!

Although, there are lots of possibilities why they do this.
One factor i knew over my associate is that i have the degree for the position.

One factor i knew over my associate is that i have the degree for the position.

That in itself can cause a problem. I'm not starting the argument about you can only be an engineer if you've got a degree etc but....

Some people with degrees treat those without as inferior.

Some people without degrees have an inferiority complex.

To me the important thing is can you do the job and that should be the primary consideration not education.

Sometimes for regulatory reasons a degree may give a real advantage (normally you'd need PE/CEng though) or maybe for certain facets of the job but in a lot of situations the person without the degree but with experience is more valuable than one with the degree without experience. The guy with degree perhaps holds more future promise but right now I know which one I'd think was more valuable.

Hope it helps and hope conditions improve.

Thx l3city



"..lot of situations the person without the degree but with experience is more valuable than one with the degree without experience."

YOu're right! In most situation, they're valuable than with degree particularly for new graduates or with less experience.

This case is very common..

You may also want to consider that when people have worked in an area for a long time, paticularly plants, then they develop a certain sense of ownership of the equipment there. Historically at the refineries that I work on there have been many instances of 1 guy considering a certain piece of kit/plant to be his 'baby' as it where.

This usually means that he also keeps all the information locked up where only he can get to it, particularly if it is a piece of kit which may involve a lot of overtime if attention is required! I call it the 'little blck book' mentality, where they have numerous little books filled to bursting with info and important notes on how to mantain the kit.

Sometimes just showing a genuine interest in the job and persevering will be enough to get yourself involved without treading on anybodies toes.
hi, frib.

"little black book", cool! I guess you're right, they keep it as they own it! Hiding such Manuals, revised drawing or diagrams, even Calibration tools, and Communication kits.

Evidently, that's what exactly is overcoming in here. With so much time to tackle and difficulties, i'd acquire some manuals through the googling it on-line.

Well frib, could think some drawbacks of such fashion of my colleagues as yours..??


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