- May 19, 2010
- 49
I'm curious, what happens when you pour a molten metal, or a hot metal, onto a cooler version? For example, can I take molten aluminum and pour it on cold aluminum and have it bond? or does it need to weld?
i can't seem to find any info on it.
I ask because I'm curious if the cold aluminum will form its protective aluminum oxide coating quickly, or will the molten aluminum absorb the oxide? Will the oxide prevent the molten aluminum from bonding to the cold formed one? aluminum is good at bonding with itself, at least it seems to with galling, so I'm curious if it would bond to itself when it has energy.
I'm thinking of doing this for a research topic for my master's, but I can't seem to find any journals (or tech docs) on this - any tips on finding more info on this? If not aluminum, is there a steel that will bond hot with cold when poured on it?
i can't seem to find any info on it.
I ask because I'm curious if the cold aluminum will form its protective aluminum oxide coating quickly, or will the molten aluminum absorb the oxide? Will the oxide prevent the molten aluminum from bonding to the cold formed one? aluminum is good at bonding with itself, at least it seems to with galling, so I'm curious if it would bond to itself when it has energy.
I'm thinking of doing this for a research topic for my master's, but I can't seem to find any journals (or tech docs) on this - any tips on finding more info on this? If not aluminum, is there a steel that will bond hot with cold when poured on it?