- Apr 22, 2002
- 491
I use AutoCAD 2015 at work, and have been using AutoCAD since v2.15 (OLD DOS days...!).
I need something I can use at home when I need to bring work home and conceptualize or complete, etc.
I have ProgeCAD 2011, and its very useful, looks and acts almost exactly like AutoCAD, and for many functions its very useful.
We do most of our 3D-2D work in Inventor 2015, but a significant portion of our work is 2D/3D hybrid, and AutoCAD is still the go-to product.
One thing ProgeCAD-2011/Pro doesn't do is 3D model to 2D representation, such as FLATSHOT in AutoCAD, whether producing standard ortho-views or producing the 2D-ISO view of the 3D model. I downloaded the current trial version (2016-Pro) and while it finally has a version of FLATSHOT implemented, its limited to one-component at a time (useless for extended assemblies) and lays the result right at the original 3D so you have to pick through the 3D components to dig out the resulting 2D FLATSHOT view. USELESS.
Are there ANY AutoCAD Alternatives that handle FLATSHOT well ? Any alternative approach to FLATSHOT that an ACAD work-alike has going ?
SOLVIEW and SOLDRAW were also good tools in previous ACADs, and the new ability to pull views directly (similar to Inventor) is extremely useful, but these are native AutoCAD and not implemented in ProgeCAD.
Thanks -
C Fee
I need something I can use at home when I need to bring work home and conceptualize or complete, etc.
I have ProgeCAD 2011, and its very useful, looks and acts almost exactly like AutoCAD, and for many functions its very useful.
We do most of our 3D-2D work in Inventor 2015, but a significant portion of our work is 2D/3D hybrid, and AutoCAD is still the go-to product.
One thing ProgeCAD-2011/Pro doesn't do is 3D model to 2D representation, such as FLATSHOT in AutoCAD, whether producing standard ortho-views or producing the 2D-ISO view of the 3D model. I downloaded the current trial version (2016-Pro) and while it finally has a version of FLATSHOT implemented, its limited to one-component at a time (useless for extended assemblies) and lays the result right at the original 3D so you have to pick through the 3D components to dig out the resulting 2D FLATSHOT view. USELESS.
Are there ANY AutoCAD Alternatives that handle FLATSHOT well ? Any alternative approach to FLATSHOT that an ACAD work-alike has going ?
SOLVIEW and SOLDRAW were also good tools in previous ACADs, and the new ability to pull views directly (similar to Inventor) is extremely useful, but these are native AutoCAD and not implemented in ProgeCAD.
Thanks -
C Fee