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Mean to know if a node shape is activated or not

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New member
Nov 20, 2013

I'm looking for how to know if a shape is activated or not.

Because I would like to retrieve the visualization status of a product with the option "Do not activate default Shapes on open" activated.

In fact, I lose every evening my session which is a big session in which I don't want to activate all shapes because it's too heavy. This is a society rule and i can't prevent it.
But It takes lot of time to activate shapes by shapes or set of shapes activating terminal nodes so as it would be ineresting to make a quick configuration status every evening before the CATIA crash. Thus, the following day i could load my session with the same shapes open with a macro.

I didn't find anything concerning this property. I only saw that we can activate/deactivate nodes or terminal nodes with "start.command"

if anyone can help, find a trick, i would really appreciate.
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I would do it in another way...I would select what is on the screen and use a macro available in automation file, which is exporting the tree selection to a text file.

Then, I would create a macro to read this file (or a modified one) to select back what was it in CATIA tree, then run activate command.


Hi Ferdo

it seems a good Idea. I will investigate in this direction.

tks a lot.
Hi Ferdo,

I didn't find the macro that you're talking about so I have made one by myself that you can see below :

Sub ExportProductName()

Set CATIA = GetObject(, "CATIA.Application")
Set activdoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product
Set oSel = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection
nbelts = oSel.Count2

Dim NumFic As Integer
Dim chemin As String
chemin = "D:\TEMP\Sauvegarde_VisProduct.txt"

Dim oFile, oTextStream

sFilePath = chemin
Set oFile = CATIA.FileSystem.CreateFile(sFilePath, True)
Set oTextStream = oFile.OpenAsTextStream("ForWriting")

    For i = 1 To nbelts
        oTextStream.Write oSel.Item2(i).LeafProduct.Name
    Next i
 End Sub

Sub selectelt()
Set CATIA = GetObject(, "CATIA.Application")
Set activdoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product
Set oSel = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection

Dim n As Integer
Dim i As Long 'Integer Depassement de capacité à 37323
n = FreeFile
Dim chemin As String
chemin = "D:\TEMP\Sauvegarde_VisProduct.txt"
Open chemin For Input As #n
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #n, prod
    oSel.Search ("'Product Structure'.Product.Name='" & prod & "',all")
    CATIA.StartCommand ("Activate Terminal Node")

Close #n

End Sub

it works but it takes such a long time that it is better to do the work manually... I don't understand why it is so long !

could you please send me the code to export the tree selection ?

The macro bellow is from v5automation.chm the way, what release do you use?

Option Explicit

' ***********************************************************************
Sub BuildName ( ByRef ioProduct, ByRef osName )

  osName = ioProduct.Name
  Dim oRoot As Product
  Set oRoot = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product
  Dim oCurrent As Product
  Set oCurrent = ioProduct
  While (oCurrent.Name <> oRoot.Name)
      Set oCurrent = oCurrent.Parent.Parent
      osName = oCurrent.Name+"\"+osName

End Sub

' ***********************************************************************
' Purpose:  Main.
' ***********************************************************************
Sub CATMain()

    ' Initialize
    Dim sTitle As String
    sTitle = "Write name of selected products"
    Dim sExtension As String
    sExtension = "txt"

    ' Create the file environment
    Dim oFso As FileSystem
    Set oFso = CATIA.FileSystem
    Dim oFile As File
    Dim oTextStream As CATIATextStream

    ' Open the output file
    Dim iReturnCode As Integer
    iReturnCode = vbRetry
    While (iReturnCode = vbRetry)

        ' Retrieve the path from the user
        Dim sFilePath As String
        sFilePath = CATIA.FileSelectionBox(sTitle, sExtension,CatFileSelectionModeSave)
        If (sFilePath = "") Then
            iReturnCode = vbCancel
           ' Verify the existence of the output file
            sFilePath = sFilePath+"."+sExtension
            Dim iOverwrite As Boolean
            iOverwrite = False
            If (oFso.FileExists(sFilePath)) Then
                ' Ask user if output file exists
                iReturnCode = Msgbox("The file already exists! Do you want to overwrite it ?", vbQuestion+vbAbortRetryIgnore, sTitle)
                If (iReturnCode = vbAbort) Then
                    iReturnCode = vbCancel
                ElseIf (iReturnCode = vbIgnore) Then
                    iReturnCode = vbOK
                    iOverwrite  = True
                End If
                iReturnCode = vbOK
            End If

            ' Create the output file
            If (iReturnCode = vbOK) Then
                On Error Resume Next
                Set oFile = oFso.CreateFile(sFilePath, iOverwrite)
                If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
                    iReturnCode = Msgbox("Cannot Create  !",vbExclamation+vbRetryCancel, sTitle)

                    ' Open the output file
                    Set oTextStream = oFile.OpenAsTextStream("ForWriting")
                    If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
                        iReturnCode = Msgbox("Cannot open  as a text file for writting !", vbExclamation+vbRetryCancel, sTitle)
                    End If
                End If
                On Error goto 0
            End If
        End If

    ' Write the name of selected products
    If (iReturnCode = vbOK) Then
        Dim oSelection As Selection
        Set oSelection = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection

        ' Retrieve the selected products
        Dim oProduct As AnyObject
        Dim sCompleteName As String
        On Error Resume Next
        While (Err.Number = 0)
           Set oProduct = oSelection.FindObject("CATIAProduct")
           If (Err.Number = 0) Then

                ' Write the name
                BuildName oProduct, sCompleteName
                oTextStream.Write sCompleteName+vbCrLf
            End If
        On Error Goto 0

       ' Clean
        Set oFile = Nothing
        Set oFso  = Nothing

        ' Report
        Msgbox sTitle+" completed !"
    End If

End Sub



this macro is also too long for thousands of parts...

Did you try to

- disable internal selection object update
Dim HSOSynchronizedFilter(0)
HSOSynchronizedFilter(0) = "SetCATIADotHSOSynchronizedToFalse"

and at the end
- re-enable internal selection object update
HSOSynchronizedFilter(0) = "SetCATIADotHSOSynchronizedToTrue"

Check the documentation about this.


I would have an old release of V5Automation.chm because I didn't see anything about "HSOSynchronizedFilter"

Nevertheless I've tried with it but without success. It takes 35s for 600 parts and I have more than ten thousand parts.

I think now that it would be better to select directly in specification tree the main nodes and to trigger "activate terminal nodes". It's not sexy but it works well if you keep CTRL pushed down.
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