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NX 7.5 ixf file extension

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Oct 20, 2012
Can anyone tell me what these files are? Are they necessary? Can they be deleted and/or prevented from being created?

Any help is greatly appericated.
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Exactly where are you finding these .ixf files? And what is it that you're doing which resutls in them being created? Have you tried to open one of them with a text editor?

John R. Baker, P.E.
Product 'Evangelist'
Product Engineering Software
Siemens PLM Software Inc.
Industry Sector
Cypress, CA
Siemens PLM:
UG/NX Museum:

To an Engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
These files are being created in the same folder as the .prt files. These have the same name as the .prt files.
We have no idea how these files are being created. No i havent tried opening them in a text editor, will give that a try.

The only thing that comes to mind would be recent updates to the GM Tool Kit, other than that we ahve no idea how or why these files are being created.

Ok took a look t one of these ixf files and here are the results.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE ixfInfo [
<!-- XML DTD defined by Unigraphics Solutions

Date Name Description of Change
3/29/2002 Shreyas Shah Version: 1.1 Date
31-Jul-2002 larson added element to source control
31-Jul-2002 larson merge from aie_v8.1
05-Feb-2003 chengc Adds "Version" attribute to ixfInfo element
06-Mar-2003 larson changed compinfo on element
04-Nov-2005 aputhenp Added attribute and element definitions added by the velocity project
17-Nov-2005 gejwang Remove the line after Date in the hostory to prevent parser failure
10-Apr-2006 aputhenp Updated dtd to support releasestatus and description in ixf - PR5425633

<!-- Entity Declaration -->

<!-- Specific names and locations of external entities -->

<!-- merge-in the external entities -->

<!-- define internal entities -->

<!-- Common Elements -->

<!-- Absolute path/file name of the application file described by this X file -->

<!ELEMENT Attribute (Title, Desc?, Default?, Value+) >
<!ATTLIST Attribute master (pdm | appln | both) "both"
attrmod (yes | no) "no"
reqd (yes | no) "no"
write_once (yes | no) "no"
read_only (yes | no) "no"
invisible (yes | no) "no"
data_type (int | char | string | double | logical | date) "string"
ignore_master (yes | no) "no" >
<!ELEMENT Default (#PCDATA)>

<!-- main structure ixfinfo.type include version number -->
<!ELEMENT ixfInfo (Header?, FileInfo+)>

<!-- The header element is needed only when xfile is generated for export.
It is not needed for import. -->
<!ELEMENT Header (ConnectionID?, StdLib?)>
<!ELEMENT ConnectionID (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT FileInfo (FileSpec, CheckedOutInConnection?, Context, ImanInfo?, ImportInfo?, Components?, Relations?, StdAttribs?, CustomData?)>
<!ATTLIST FileInfo Partial (yes | no ) #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST FileInfo modified (yes | no) "no">

<!ELEMENT CheckedOutInConnection (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST CheckedOutInConnection User CDATA #IMPLIED
Implicit (yes | no) #IMPLIED>

<!-- The name is dataset type. Type is xrelation name -->
<!ELEMENT Context (Name)>

<!ELEMENT ImanInfo (ItemType?, ItemID?, ItemName?, ItemDesc?, RevID?, ItemRevDesc?, ItemRevReleaseStatusList?, Version?, DSName?, DSDesc?, DSReleaseStatusList?, UnitOfMeasure?)>
<!ATTLIST RevID NewerRevAvail (yes | no) #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT ItemRevDesc (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT ItemRevReleaseStatusList (ReleaseStatus+)>
<!ELEMENT Version (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST Version NewerVersionAvail (yes | no) #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT DSReleaseStatusList (ReleaseStatus+)>
<!ELEMENT UnitOfMeasure (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT ReleaseStatus (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT ImportInfo (RetainCheckout?, ImportConflictAction?, ImportItemType?, ImportItemID?, ImportItemName?, ImportItemDesc?, ImportRevID?, ImportItemRevDesc?, ImportDSName?, ImportDSDesc?, ImportUnitOfMeasure?)>

<!ELEMENT RetainCheckout (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT ImportConflictAction (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT ImportItemType (#PCDATA)>

<!ATTLIST ImportItemID Use ( AutoGenerate | AutoTranslate | Value ) "Value" >

<!ELEMENT ImportItemName (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT ImportItemDesc (#PCDATA)>

<!ATTLIST ImportRevID Use ( AutoGenerate | AutoTranslate | Value) "Value" >

<!ELEMENT ImportItemRevDesc (#PCDATA)>


<!ELEMENT ImportUnitOfMeasure (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT Components (Component+)>
<!ATTLIST Components ComponentsMod ( no | yes) "no"
ComponentsRevRule CDATA #IMPLIED
ComponentsVariantRule CDATA #IMPLIED >

<!-- The Attribute element is for occurence notes only. The element "Component" can be
replaced by any other named element with similar definition -->
<!ELEMENT Component (FileSpec?, StdLib?, CompInfo*, Attribute*)>
<!ATTLIST Component modified (yes | no) "no"
exported (yes | no) #IMPLIED >

<!ELEMENT CompInfo (Quantity?, Sequence?, Xform?, OccName?, OccId?, ObjectID?) >
<!ATTLIST CompInfo configure_out (yes | no) #IMPLIED>

<!ELEMENT Quantity (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Sequence (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT Relations (Relation+)>
<!ATTLIST Relations RelationsMod ( yes | no) "no">

<!-- The element "Relation" should be xrelation name -->
<!ELEMENT Relation (FileSpec?, StdLib?, Attribute*)>
<!ATTLIST Relation modified (yes | no) "no"

<!ELEMENT BaseAttribs (Attribute+)>
<!ATTLIST BaseAttribs modified (yes | no ) "no" >

<!ELEMENT StdAttribs (Attribute+)>
<!ATTLIST StdAttribs modified (yes | no ) "no">

<!ELEMENT CustomData (Data*, Custom*)>
<!ATTLIST CustomData modified (yes | no ) "no"

<!ELEMENT Data (Title, Data*, Custom*)>
<!ELEMENT Custom (Title, Value)>


<FileInfo modified="no">
<FileSpec>K:\Group\Engineering\TCF\Design\GM\70132_DHam Tool Tray Study\RR Tray\Ref\bracket_01.prt</FileSpec>
<Context type="UGPART">
Using NX with GM Tool Kit. We do not use teamcenter.
Talking with our people I've learned that an .ixf file is a type of XML file (that can be seen by looking at the content) but that under normal conditions NX itself does not create these files. Therefore, it would appear that the likely 'culprit' is the 'GM Toolkit'. Now as the question as to whether they can be deleted or not. Well as far as NX is concerned they can be, however, if you're depending the GM Toolkit to perform certain tasks necessary for how you're using NX in whatever relationship that you have with GM or one of its suppliers, then perhaps you should check with the organization from whom you got the GM Toolkit originally as well as the recent update that you mentioned. Perhaps they can give you some guidelines about what these files are used for, how critical they are and perhaps even how they can be 'turned-off' if that's a possible option.

John R. Baker, P.E.
Product 'Evangelist'
Product Engineering Software
Siemens PLM Software Inc.
Industry Sector
Cypress, CA
Siemens PLM:
UG/NX Museum:

To an Engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
Thank you for your time regarding this. I will get with the supplier of the GM Tool Kit and see if they have an answer.

If I find out anything I will post the info.
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