I need to create a virtual ground for a single supply (24V) amplifier circuit that has 8 opamps for active filters and four LM3886 amplifier ICs.
At the moment I am using an LM324 op amp set up as a voltage follower with a VCC/2 divider connected to the input. When I first connected this up to the circuits virtual ground the op amp output (virtual ground) oscillated at about 2MHz. I have since added a 47ohm resistor and a 100nf Cap to the output of the follower set up as a low pass filter and it has stopped the oscillations.
Can I also add a 68uF Cap to the output of the follower for better regulation of the virtual ground? I am worried about overloading the opamp (capacitive loading) or is it ok in this case as the op amp output is not swinging? What is the best way to filter/regulate the virtual ground in this case? Should I also connect caps from V.Gnd to VCC rail? Any other input is appreciated. Thanks.
At the moment I am using an LM324 op amp set up as a voltage follower with a VCC/2 divider connected to the input. When I first connected this up to the circuits virtual ground the op amp output (virtual ground) oscillated at about 2MHz. I have since added a 47ohm resistor and a 100nf Cap to the output of the follower set up as a low pass filter and it has stopped the oscillations.
Can I also add a 68uF Cap to the output of the follower for better regulation of the virtual ground? I am worried about overloading the opamp (capacitive loading) or is it ok in this case as the op amp output is not swinging? What is the best way to filter/regulate the virtual ground in this case? Should I also connect caps from V.Gnd to VCC rail? Any other input is appreciated. Thanks.