- Jan 25, 2016
- 3
I have a question about Philadelphia fire code for fire safety systems, I work for a management company and I have tried to get them to certify the fire safety systems and someone came in and failed them because the system did not have sirens in the bedrooms. I looked up the code and there are supposed to be sirens in the bedrooms to wake someone from deep sleep in case of a fire. But the owner of the management company thinks because the systems where installed 25 years ago he is grandfathered in, is this true? Second I have attempted to get him to install monitoring with a central station for each building which he refuses to also! I am trying to be preventative and bring the buildings up to safety standards and he is fighting me. I called fire codes in Philadelphia and they told be to call building and housing because they don't deal with the codes. I am surrounded by stupid. So it seems I cannot find someone competent to guide me in order to convince him that these changes need to be made. Thanks for any help