and have done so for several years. RAPT does 2D (not FEA) analysis and design of RC and PT floor systems to many international codes, and you can actually create your own "code" since the user has full control of the defaults and assumptions etc.
RAPT accurately considers partial prestress designs too - and is able to handle draped, harped and straight tendon configuratins, with short, long or intermediate tendons lengths. You can also have some spans with no PT and it will undertake min. rebar as RC section.
Ultimate and serviceability conditions are comprehensively considered, and both bonded and unbonded tendons can be used. Cracked section analysis is undertaken automatically if the section is subjected to tension under working loads, and deflections include cracking effects, tension stiffening, creep, time of loading rebar layout etc. The age adjusted effectve modulus method is used.
You can also model slab/beam depressions, steps, tapers, haunches with easy to understand and quick input.
For complicated floor systems where 3D FEA is justified I use SCS FLOOR (
The input is CAD based and has an auto mesh generator. Good program but it does not do cracked section analysis (so for a partial prestress design you have to a bit of hand calcs) nor a comprehensive treatment of long term deflections.
The most important thing I have found with PT programs is that the authors are 1) structural engineers and 2) have actually designed and detailed real PT structures and maybe 3) have seen actual PT projects on a job site. If the authors are just software junkies you will get basically P/A + M/Z with some fluffy graphics.
I believe the current version is US$4,000. Includes ACI-99, UBC, BS, Australia, Euro, Taiwan, Singapore, South Africa etc. Also does columns (prestressed and RC, and combinations of both) M-N interaction diagrams, of irregular shapes, with voids, too.
I have used RAPT too and i found it extremely useful for prestressed concrete design. i would like to add here that it can also be used for reinforced concrete slabs and beams without prestressing and has modules to design columns, walls etc.
There is also another software ADAPT for prestressed design used extensively in practice. I have not used this software. it would be useful if someone could compare these two softwares, RAPT and ADAPT.
My office makes use of ADAPT for our post-tensioned design, though we didn't have a lot of PT projects till lately.
ADAPT-PT can design slabs (one- and two-way) and beams and has a fairly comprehensive output that will allow you to use the results in other modeling/design programs. You can design for forces (the common approach in the US) or the number of tendons with adjustments for friction losses, etc.
It has several post-processors for friction losses and suplemental reinforcement for lateral moments. It makes use of the Equivalent Frame Method and we've even used it to model some traditionally reinforced two-way slabs on small investigative jobs.
The user interface takes a minute to get used to, but the documentation that is provided is actually rather helpful. Since the program was written by and sold by the company of B. Aalami (probably the leading expert in the US) the tech support is usually pretty good.
I have used both Adapt and Ram Concept. Adapt is OK if you have a simple structur. It uses Equivalent frame analysis that tends to fall down with crazy geometry. Adapt Tech support is very good, B. Aalami actually answers most of the questions himself. However, getting updates is a bit tiresome. (18 updates on Version 6).
Ram Concept relies on FEA and gives a better idea of where the stresses actually are. It can be back checked againt a EF model for consistency. In addition, Ram has indicated that in the future, all parts of its design center will be integrated making it possible to deisgn a PT parking garage, concrete first floor, and steel super structure all in one model. This is years off, but I figure it is best to be in on the ground floor and grow with the program.
Since most people have a copy of STAAD, you may want to check out the new ADAPT + STAAD combo announced a few weeks back. This uses the FEM method instead of equivalent frame.