- Jun 9, 2010
- 7
Civil engineer here modeling in WaterCAD. I have a 510 Zone HGL system interfacing with a 600 HGL Zone system. I currently have a PRV to separate the systems. Line size is 16". In most cases the systems operate independently and there is no flow across PRV. However if I run a fireflow test in the 600 Zone side, the pressures dip so much in the 600 Zone that some flow (350gpm) is flowing from the 510 to the 600 zone through the PRV to supplement the flow. This is what I want, but I'm not sure what physical valve setup this really is? The in the watermodel, the PRV is selected and the HGL to maintain is at 510 as in the PRV is ensuring the 600 Zone is at least 510 HGL that would be supplimented by the 510 zone below if needed. Perhaps there is a better way to accomplish this? This is an interim condition on the 600zone. Ultimately they will be an isolation valve here likely.
So long story short, looking to see how I can phsically specify what to use here. I need the lower 510 zone to supplement the 600 zone to reach my needed fire flow.
Thanks for you input.
So long story short, looking to see how I can phsically specify what to use here. I need the lower 510 zone to supplement the 600 zone to reach my needed fire flow.
Thanks for you input.