Do we have to check the punching from piles in the pile cap from individual piles with reduced perimeter from overlapping perimeter or calculate the punching for perimeter at a distance where the perimter does not overlap with other pile perimeter? Should we also check punching due to grouo effect of piles?
Punching needs to be checked with the perimter at distance 1d to 2d. If my punching resistance is ok at 1d then do i have to check at 2d distance also? At 2d distance, perimeter will be increased and my shear stress will be reduced?
Punching needs to be checked with the perimter at distance 1d to 2d. If my punching resistance is ok at 1d then do i have to check at 2d distance also? At 2d distance, perimeter will be increased and my shear stress will be reduced?