- Aug 14, 2015
- 728
CCPS Guidelines for Pressure Relief and Effluent Handling Systems 2nd ed. said: Technical Issues
Quench pools have not been widely applied in the chemical industry and therefore some technical issues require better definition and resolution. There have been many studies with steam/water mixtures with some on a large scale and directed at understanding the mixing and heat transfer processes and the unsteady-state hydrodynamic and mechanical engineering considerations in quench pools. Commercial units up to about 20,000 gallons (7.6 m3) size have been reported in the chemical industry. Some of the technical issues and uncertainties associated with quench pools are:
Small number of systems tested. The bulk of the published performance data is for steam/water, butane/water, pentane/water, and R-113/water: (Sudhoff, et al. 1982, 1983).
The reference marked bold is missing in a book copy I have. I am unable to find a full name of this materials. Any idea where I can find this is appreciated.