- Jul 22, 2007
- 29
I thought I knew how to charge HVAC and HP equipment but I am slightly confused by measurements made on my own new system that I just put in. The system is a two speed 3ton/2ton carrier AC (only) with TXV and the 58mvc furnace. Nominally, it all works fine, but I am not understanding the sight glass not being full of liquid when the system is in LOW speed mode and operating steady state. The measurements are as follows:
For all experiments:
OAT = 75F,
Furnace Incoming Air data: WebBulb =56, RH= 50, Drybulb=70F
High Mode (3 ton) Discharge Air data: Temp= 50
Coil Exit R410a temp = 51
Coil Exit R410a press= 145psi (50F equiv)
Air Flow = 900cfm (measured)
Suction Line temp at OUTDOOR unit = 56F
Sight Glass is full liquid
Above looks normal.
Low cool Mode (2tons)
Discharge Air Temp = 57
Coil Exit R410a suction Temp= 58
Coil Exit R410a suct press = 162psi (57F equiv)
Air Flow = 500cfm (measured)
Suction Line temp at outdoor unit = 62F
Sight glass has "foamy" look.
Note: The "coil exit pressure and coil exit Temp" are
measured at a point on the suction line inches from
the inside coil housing.
It appears that in both cases, the superheat at the compressor is >5F and so is "safe". Note that this test was run with outside air temp = 75F which is not where the unit is rated to operate. This may be part of the problem.
So.. My question is: Do the above low cool mode pressures/temps all look OK? They seems to be in the right range, but I am wondering why, at lower load, the sight glass is not full?
I think perhaps one of you ME types can compute BTU cooling from the above data which would be an aid in determining if the system was putting out rated capacity. Thanks!
If someone can help me understand this, I will appreciate it!
For all experiments:
OAT = 75F,
Furnace Incoming Air data: WebBulb =56, RH= 50, Drybulb=70F
High Mode (3 ton) Discharge Air data: Temp= 50
Coil Exit R410a temp = 51
Coil Exit R410a press= 145psi (50F equiv)
Air Flow = 900cfm (measured)
Suction Line temp at OUTDOOR unit = 56F
Sight Glass is full liquid
Above looks normal.
Low cool Mode (2tons)
Discharge Air Temp = 57
Coil Exit R410a suction Temp= 58
Coil Exit R410a suct press = 162psi (57F equiv)
Air Flow = 500cfm (measured)
Suction Line temp at outdoor unit = 62F
Sight glass has "foamy" look.
Note: The "coil exit pressure and coil exit Temp" are
measured at a point on the suction line inches from
the inside coil housing.
It appears that in both cases, the superheat at the compressor is >5F and so is "safe". Note that this test was run with outside air temp = 75F which is not where the unit is rated to operate. This may be part of the problem.
So.. My question is: Do the above low cool mode pressures/temps all look OK? They seems to be in the right range, but I am wondering why, at lower load, the sight glass is not full?
I think perhaps one of you ME types can compute BTU cooling from the above data which would be an aid in determining if the system was putting out rated capacity. Thanks!
If someone can help me understand this, I will appreciate it!