- Oct 3, 2005
- 100
I have a problem where i am modeling a cylindrical (steel) bar embedded in concrete and i am trying to smulate shear test. For this case I have some doubt regrading designation of contact and target surfaces. As per ansys contact technology guide the following applies
3.5. Designating Contact and Target Surfaces:
For flexible-to-flexible contact, the choice of which surface is designated contact or target can cause a different amount of penetration and thus affect the solution accuracy. Consider the following guidelines when designating the surfaces:
(a)If a convex surface is expected to come into contact with a flat or concave surface, the flat/concave surface should be the target surface.
(b)If one surface has a fine surface mesh and, in comparison, the other has a coarse mesh, the fine mesh should be the contact surface and the coarse mesh should be the target surface.
(c)If one surface is stiffer then the other, the softer surface should be the contact surface and the stiffer surface should be the target surface.
However, there was no explination regarding precedence. Here a canvex surface (That is stiffer) is coming in to contact with a concave surface (concrete). So as per guideline (a) The concave suface should be "Target" surface. But, this is less stiffer than the steel ( as per guideline (c) the same should be "contact surface"). Is there a precedence for this designatons?
Nodal DOF.