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redoing tasks assigned with incomplete instructions. 3

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Jul 11, 2007
I am getting fed up with doing work for my boss that he assigned on a post it note and then having to redo it because he couldn't be bothered to take 5 minutes to clarify the work to me.

And I am not talking about "things you should know" type things. Stuff like

Make a spreadsheet with these things on it. ( In the redo I learned about which columns should be which and what colors to use ).
Code up a driver for this widget. ( In the redo I learned about the formats and style and interface I should have used ).

If you ask beforehand they essentially communicate ( cmon do I haveto hold ur hand ).

So just how much of a problem employee am I.
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Sounds a bit like you're on your way to being a problem (combination of your handle and your last line is making me grind my teeth a bit already).

There's a compromise. You could spend a few minutes working out what questions you need answered, then go back with a better-developed description that offers your proposed answers to those questions, asking if "this is the sort of thing you had in mind". What does this buy you?
[li]You get your answers before you've invested in detail coding[/li]
[li]You've "brought me solutions, not problems": This might be the type of thinking the boss is trying to encourage - at the very least, he's going to have to find something better to say than "hold your hand"[/li]
[li]It's good practice for when you are responsible for designing more complex projects - where developing the requirement is as important as developing the solution.[/li]
Option 1) Decide it's not your fault, do whatever you can for no more than 8 hours a day and go home.

Option 2) Figure out how to clarify all the requirements before you start, since you know there will be more specifics that you don't have. The first couple times oh well, blame the boss. After that, you know how it will go down so you're wasting your own time by doing the same thing. If you don't know, it is your responsibility to ask.

Option 3) Chat with boss, explain you come to work to be efficient and productive, let's both figure out how we can do that because that's not what has been happening. Perhaps one size larger post-it note that actually has the known constraints would cost the boss 5 more minutes, instead of not having that info, which costs you 2 days.

I'd suggest starting with option 2, but do make sure the clarifications take.... let's just call it a sufficient amount of time to deter the boss from preferring this option. That makes option 3 much easier to swallow.

Sounds like you've started with 2 and need to get moving towards 3.
If the boss won't go with 2 or 3, well that's why I included option 1.
Don't start out on a job without knowing all the ramifications that should be obvious from the start. For instance the conversation might start out with "I hate to take your time right now in getting going on this, but I need a little more of the details you expect to see on this completed job. I don't want to waste your time later, because of something that may not be clear now." Gotta sugar coat thins a little.
shrugs...sounds like mainly formatting issues, generally quite minor items, but still important to bosses, for either personal (their) preferences or presentation value.
Don't sweat it, just learn to do it the boss' way.
You might create a quick mock-up and request their formatting preferences before you complete the job.
I had a manager like this: He'd set up teams to come up with a solution to something, or teams to come up with 'employee satisfaction' ideas.

We'd present everything to him that his select team came up with....

His response, "No, this is what I wanted."

He lost 8 engineers in the following 6 months out of a team of 12....

He got promoted....

This is normally the space where people post something insightful.
I would recommend you look closely at Zuesfaber's suggestion. Here's why: sounds like your boss sees himself as the "git-r-dun" type and sees too much conversation as "non-productive". So, knowing that, whenever he gives you an assignment, say "Yes sir" and start on it immediately, even if you don't have all the answers yet. Do something! As you run into a point where you need guidance, don't stop just yet. List your question (mentally or written) and try to move on in a direction that will be easy to change later if you have to with the objective being to identify, and list, your next question(s). When you have two or three, get back with your boss. That way you will be taking less of his time. You will be able to show him that you immediately responded to his request and that you have some definable work product. Then when you present your questions don't just say "How do you want me to do this?" Say, "I want to do this the best way. I see two options, A or B" and show him examples of your suggestions if you can. You are presenting him with a choice of solutions, not an open ended question. Do this for each of your listed questions. Then come back later with your next questions.
You could try the old 'active listening stuff' and basically reply back to him what you understood from what he told & showed you but will require a few more minutes of his time up front.

Fundamentally, design 101 is 'know thy requirements' but that ignores 'politics' and the likes.

Posting guidelines faq731-376 (probably not aimed specifically at you)
What is Engineering anyway: faq1088-1484
If you have interoffice email, then ask your questions in an email, and wait a few hours for his written response before sending another email, and another, and another... until all your questions are answered. Do what you can, if anything, in the meantime...

Mike McCann, PE, SE (WA)

While Msquared48's suggestion seems like a recipe to pi$$ off a guy who already seems to resent having to explain what he wants done, the idea of typing up what you understood as the request then sending it has some merit in some situations.

It's an approach I often use when I get a verbal instruction/requirement, I'll type it up in an email and send it saying something like "This is the requirement as I understood it and what I'll be working on. If I missed or misunderstood anything please let me know."

Not always effective in actually getting you additional feedback but useful as your 'pearl harbor' file.

Posting guidelines faq731-376 (probably not aimed specifically at you)
What is Engineering anyway: faq1088-1484
Not all bosses are the same, but mine wants me to keep bug him, as, with so many projects to oversee, he cannot remember everything...

Like Clint, he knows his limitations and uses his employees to his advantage to overcome them.

I realize this is different than a complete instructional package, but... do you happen to be a government employee? [lol]

Mike McCann, PE, SE (WA)

If this is a serious time investment you could always try prototyping a solution. Frankly with a spreadsheet that sounds like more trouble than it is worth, on the other hand I've seen many enormous and expensive spreadsheets that could have done with a bit of proper prototyping. I often end up writing yet another tab as a front end for them!

For instance the one I'm working with now needs to know the axle weights of a vehicle in two conditions. They are at opposite ends of the input column.


Greg Locock

New here? Try reading these, they might help FAQ731-376
I had a boss once - he never knew what he wanted but whatever I did it wasn't that[dazed]. He was a nice guy and easy to get on with but it was annoying.
I think Jboggs hit this one right on the head. In addition, I've discovered the following:
If your first response (to anyone, customer or boss) is "this isn't clear enough" or "give me more detail" they will probably think you're either incompetent or being difficult (not saying they're right, just that's the impression they get). Easy way around that: lead off with an affirmative, even if it's piggybacked with a question or request. Examples below.
"Yeah, I can do this. You want everything to fit on an 8.5x11 printout?"
"Sure, I'll put something together and ask you to take a look in 2 hours."
"OK, I'll get started right away. I'll probably check in with you in a bit to make sure we're on the same page."
"I can take a crack at this. I'll start as soon as I get those file locations from you - want me to shoot you a reminder email once I get back to my desk?"

Contrast those with the following:
"How do you want it to look?"
"How long do you want me to spend on this?"
"Can you give me more detail about the end result of the product?"
"Before I start, I need you to send me those file locations."

I've also found that if you show someone the direction you're heading, they'll open up and give you more of their direction, whereas if you just ask questions you tend to get something like "you're the engineer, you figure it out".

Hang in there.
That last item is most definitely true. Many times, we ask for input about something, and we get crickets. The instant we float an idea, a half-dozen voices pop up about why it's a bad idea, or how it can be changed to be a better idea.

TTFN (ta ta for now)
I can do absolutely anything. I'm an expert! faq731-376 forum1529
Coming from the perspective of someone who has to assign things to people; you do realize that sometimes we do not have all the details worked out just yet? If I had the time to dig in and complete the work I would start to get into those details as I progress through the work, at the onset all the answers and requirements are not apparent. It is always humbling to complete design work because you realize just how little you knew about a problem at conception.

I think the saying goes "He who has made a start.."

With experience this gets easier and I try to lead people down the path a little because I start to have a pretty good idea of the pitfalls of the assignment; however, I cannot get into everything. Then sometimes I get a snarky attitude..."well you didn't tell me that"; well you get paid to think too. Also, I know that working through this process, called engineering, helps to develop a person with perseverance and the will to work through difficult times.

The spreadsheet issue; have you ever had someone come back to you with just a plain spreadsheet, no lines, no formatting, no headings and then just say "I'm Done." No you are not done, please format, add headings, set the print layout and and test print it to verify that it scales properly and is readable. If I have to take your spreadsheet and spend 2 hours formatting and getting it ready to print because it does not fit nicely on a sheet of paper is that really my fault? The devil is in the details and that is why sometimes it takes more experienced people longer to accomplish the tasks, because through experience we realize there is much more to the task than meets the eye. It is not done until it is done..every last detail including the UPS tracking number.

If I were assigning work and didn't have the details ( results needed ) worked out yet I would communicate that as well as try to lay out the goal of the work that can be accomplished with what is known at the present time. I would not send a subordinate off with incomplete details knowing that the work they are overwhelmingly likely to perform will be largely wrong. I think the primary skill is in being able to articulate the space of acceptable work, which is not always easy to do and many managers are really just lazy in my experience.

For a competent employee, work is easy and fulfilling when given clear direction.

Unfortunately, this rarely happens.

I've found that many managers have received just as nebulas direction from their up-lines. Someone up the ladder had a fit and some sort of progress needs to be shown ASAP. By giving you a sticky note, your manager can report, "I've assigned the task to snarkysparky and he/she's on it." From there, early on, managers are looking for a lump of clay they can start to form. You provide that.Then, when asked, they can say, "snarkysparky sent me something on this ALREADY, it's on my desk for my review." But they can buy even more time by saying, "I looked over it and I'm having him/her make some changes." What you provide starts to drive the direction of the assignment. Don't spurn oversight, it helps improve overall quality. Finally, from what I've seen, and I want to do more and more myself is when given a pretty big sandbox to play in, YOU tell your manager on your first run what it needs to be. Make your own spec. It makes his/her job easier, and better formed putty to play with.

Honestly, if the feedback is only about columns, formats and colors, you must be doing an awesome job!
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