- Aug 14, 2010
- 1,882
I'm trying to compare the work flow between RISA and RAMSS for modeling light framed buildings with particular interest in podium buildings. There are two important qualities tah I'm focused on which is the one-way distribution of gravity loads on the floor system (trib width method) and the same for the wall framing (i.e. gravity loads continue straight down through walls). I'm most familiar with RAMSS. It does a great job of distributing floor loads to the walls using trib/one-way distribution. However, the walls are meshed which means you need to add columns at point loads (which is fine, I need these loads anyway) and you need to unlink the wall corners (otherwise load gets transferred around the corner to the "non-loadbearing wall"). The annoying part is unlinking the walls. Typically we will pull the wall back from the corner and a short "dummy beam". I'm curious, since RISA has wood walls, are these walls "unlinked" at the corner? Or if you apply load to a N/S wall will you see load in the perpendicular E/W wall?