- Apr 17, 2014
- 1
i have the below Macro in order to open each parts of the active assembly, what i need is after they open, delete all the Properties (also the custom) except the Description
They just open all the parts of the assembly or delete the properties, but don't works at the same time for all the parts, some body can give me a tips to fixed?
Dim swDoc As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swAllDocs As EnumDocuments2
Dim FirstDoc As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim dummy As Boolean
Dim NumDocsReturned As Long
Dim DocCount As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim sMsg As String
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim bDocWasVisible As Boolean
Dim OpenWarnings As Long
Dim OpenErrors As Long
Dim DwgPath As String
Dim myDwgDoc As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Sub ShowAllOpenFiles()
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Set swAllDocs = swApp.EnumDocuments2
Set FirstDoc = swApp.ActiveDoc
DocCount = 0
swAllDocs.Next 1, swDoc, NumDocsReturned
While NumDocsReturned <> 0
bDocWasVisible = swDoc.Visible
swApp.ActivateDoc swDoc.GetPathName
DwgPath = swDoc.GetPathName
If (LCase(Right(DwgPath, 3)) <> "drw") And (DwgPath <> "") Then
DwgPath = Left(DwgPath, Len(DwgPath) - 3) & "drw"
Set myDwgDoc = swApp.OpenDoc6(DwgPath, swDocDRAWING, swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", OpenErrors, OpenWarnings)
If Not myDwgDoc Is Nothing Then swApp.ActivateDoc myDwgDoc.GetPathName
Set myDwgDoc = Nothing
End If
'End If
swAllDocs.Next 1, swDoc, NumDocsReturned
DocCount = DocCount + 1
swApp.ActivateDoc FirstDoc.GetPathName
End Sub
Sub main()
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim retval As String
Dim Desc As String
Dim retvals As String
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
Desc = swModel.GetCustomInfoCount
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Number")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("DrawnBy")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("CheckedBy")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Engineered By")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("EngAppDate")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Project#")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("DrawnDate")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("CheckedDate")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Out source Co.")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("OutSourceDate")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Number")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Revision")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Designer")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Detailer")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("DesignDate")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Released Date")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("State")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Purchased")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("TABULATION BALLOON")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("SWFormatSize")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Machine")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Designer By")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Weight")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("OriginationDate")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Component Type")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Manufacturer")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Manufacturer Number")
retval = swModel.AddCustomInfo3("", "Description", swCustomInfoText, Desc)
'retval = swModel.DeleteConfiguration("Desc")
'retval = swModel.AddCustomInfo3("", "Number", swCustomInfoText, "T50000")
'retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("COMPANY")
'retval = swModel.AddCustomInfo3("", "COMPANY", swCustomInfoText, "VENTURADS.COM")
End Sub
They just open all the parts of the assembly or delete the properties, but don't works at the same time for all the parts, some body can give me a tips to fixed?
Dim swDoc As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swAllDocs As EnumDocuments2
Dim FirstDoc As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim dummy As Boolean
Dim NumDocsReturned As Long
Dim DocCount As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim sMsg As String
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim bDocWasVisible As Boolean
Dim OpenWarnings As Long
Dim OpenErrors As Long
Dim DwgPath As String
Dim myDwgDoc As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Sub ShowAllOpenFiles()
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Set swAllDocs = swApp.EnumDocuments2
Set FirstDoc = swApp.ActiveDoc
DocCount = 0
swAllDocs.Next 1, swDoc, NumDocsReturned
While NumDocsReturned <> 0
bDocWasVisible = swDoc.Visible
swApp.ActivateDoc swDoc.GetPathName
DwgPath = swDoc.GetPathName
If (LCase(Right(DwgPath, 3)) <> "drw") And (DwgPath <> "") Then
DwgPath = Left(DwgPath, Len(DwgPath) - 3) & "drw"
Set myDwgDoc = swApp.OpenDoc6(DwgPath, swDocDRAWING, swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", OpenErrors, OpenWarnings)
If Not myDwgDoc Is Nothing Then swApp.ActivateDoc myDwgDoc.GetPathName
Set myDwgDoc = Nothing
End If
'End If
swAllDocs.Next 1, swDoc, NumDocsReturned
DocCount = DocCount + 1
swApp.ActivateDoc FirstDoc.GetPathName
End Sub
Sub main()
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim retval As String
Dim Desc As String
Dim retvals As String
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
Desc = swModel.GetCustomInfoCount
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Number")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("DrawnBy")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("CheckedBy")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Engineered By")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("EngAppDate")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Project#")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("DrawnDate")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("CheckedDate")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Out source Co.")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("OutSourceDate")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Number")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Revision")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Designer")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Detailer")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("DesignDate")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Released Date")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("State")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Purchased")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("TABULATION BALLOON")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("SWFormatSize")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Machine")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Designer By")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Weight")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("OriginationDate")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Component Type")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Manufacturer")
retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("Manufacturer Number")
retval = swModel.AddCustomInfo3("", "Description", swCustomInfoText, Desc)
'retval = swModel.DeleteConfiguration("Desc")
'retval = swModel.AddCustomInfo3("", "Number", swCustomInfoText, "T50000")
'retval = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo("COMPANY")
'retval = swModel.AddCustomInfo3("", "COMPANY", swCustomInfoText, "VENTURADS.COM")
End Sub