- Sep 13, 2012
- 3
I am trying to use a journal script in NXOpen to loop through simulation files and take snapshots of the simulation results in order to create an animation of solutions where I make small variations to a part and then solve.
Up to now the code I have is able to open the sim files and take snapshots with the command:
But the script is not displaying the results and the snapshots I get are just snapshots of the part as seen in the screen before solving.
I've tried recording journals where I open one of the solutions and modify the color bar for scaling, but when I replay them there is just a quick flash and I only see the part as would be in the simulation enviroment.
Has anyone encountered this same problem? Or know a better way of doing something simmilar?
Thanks beforehand.
I am trying to use a journal script in NXOpen to loop through simulation files and take snapshots of the simulation results in order to create an animation of solutions where I make small variations to a part and then solve.
Up to now the code I have is able to open the sim files and take snapshots with the command:
Dim ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession
But the script is not displaying the results and the snapshots I get are just snapshots of the part as seen in the screen before solving.
I've tried recording journals where I open one of the solutions and modify the color bar for scaling, but when I replay them there is just a quick flash and I only see the part as would be in the simulation enviroment.
' NX
Option Strict Off
Imports System
Imports NXOpen
Imports NXOpen.UF
Module NXJournal
Sub Main()
For SparPlacement As Integer = -300 To 200 Step 50
Dim ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession
Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
' ----------------------------------------------
' Menu: File->Open...
' ----------------------------------------------
Dim basePart1 As BasePart
Dim partLoadStatus1 As PartLoadStatus
basePart1 = theSession.Parts.OpenBaseDisplay("Path to part \wReinforcement_sim1" & Str(SparPlacement) & ".sim", partLoadStatus1)
Dim workSimPart As CAE.SimPart = CType(theSession.Parts.BaseWork, CAE.SimPart)
Dim displaySimPart As CAE.SimPart = CType(theSession.Parts.BaseDisplay, CAE.SimPart)
Dim simPart1 As CAE.SimPart = CType(workSimPart, CAE.SimPart)
Dim simSimulation1 As CAE.SimSimulation = CType(workSimPart.FindObject("Simulation"), CAE.SimSimulation)
Dim simSolution1 As CAE.SimSolution = CType(simSimulation1.FindObject("Solution[Solution 1]"), CAE.SimSolution)
Dim theResultManager As CAE.ResultManager = theSession.ResultManager()
Dim solResults As CAE.SolutionResult = theResultManager.CreateSolutionResult(simSolution1)
Dim result As CAE.Result = CType(solResults, CAE.Result)
Dim solutionResult1 As CAE.SolutionResult
solutionResult1 = theSession.ResultManager.CreateSolutionResult(simSolution1)
Dim resultParameters1 As CAE.ResultParameters
resultParameters1 = theSession.ResultManager.CreateResultParameters()
Dim loadcase1 As CAE.Loadcase = CType(solutionResult1.Find("Loadcase[Load Case 1]"), CAE.Loadcase)
Dim iteration1 As CAE.Iteration = CType(loadcase1.Find("Iteration[Static Step 1]"), CAE.Iteration)
Dim resultType1 As CAE.ResultType = CType(iteration1.Find("ResultType[Ply Stress - Elemental]"), CAE.ResultType)
Dim average1 As CAE.Result.Averaging
average1.DoAveraging = False
average1.AverageAcrossPropertyIds = True
average1.AverageAcrossMaterialIds = True
average1.AverageAcrossElementTypes = True
average1.AverageAcrossFeatangle = True
average1.AverageAcrossAnglevalue = 45.0
average1.IncludeInternalElementContributions = True
resultParameters1.SetSectionPlyLayer(1, 0, 1)
Dim unit5 As Unit = CType(workSimPart.UnitCollection.FindObject("MilliMeter"), Unit)
Dim postviewId1 As Integer
postviewId1 = theSession.Post.CreatePostviewForResult(0, solutionResult1, False, resultParameters1)
Dim lw As ListingWindow = theSession.ListingWindow
lw.WriteLine("Post View ID is: " + postviewId1.ToString())
' ----------------------------------------------
' Menu: Tools->Results->Edit Post View...
' ---------------------------------------------
Dim colorbar1 As CAE.Post.Colorbar
colorbar1.Spectrum = CAE.Post.Spectrum.Structural
colorbar1.InvertSpectrum = False
colorbar1.Scale = CAE.Post.Scale.Automatic
colorbar1.NumberOfLevels = 12
colorbar1.Threshold = CAE.Post.Threshold.Specified
colorbar1.ThresholdMinimum = 0.11715445667505
colorbar1.ThresholdMaximum = 30.2787322998
colorbar1.ShowOverflowAbove = False
colorbar1.ShowOverflowBelow = False
colorbar1.OverflowAboveColor = workSimPart.Colors.Find("Silver Gray")
colorbar1.OverflowBelowColor = workSimPart.Colors.Find("Dark Gray")
colorbar1.Position = CAE.Post.Position.Left
theSession.Post.PostviewSetColorbar(postviewId1, colorbar1)
Dim primaryEdgeface1 As CAE.Post.EdgeFace
primaryEdgeface1.EdgeStyle = CAE.Post.EdgeStyle.External
primaryEdgeface1.EdgeColor = workSimPart.Colors.Find("Granite Gray")
primaryEdgeface1.FaceStyle = CAE.Post.FaceStyle.Opaque
primaryEdgeface1.FaceColor = workSimPart.Colors.Find("Silver Gray")
Dim undeformedEdgeface1 As CAE.Post.EdgeFace
undeformedEdgeface1.EdgeStyle = CAE.Post.EdgeStyle.Feature
undeformedEdgeface1.EdgeColor = workSimPart.Colors.Find("Granite Gray")
undeformedEdgeface1.FaceStyle = CAE.Post.FaceStyle.Translucent
undeformedEdgeface1.FaceColor = workSimPart.Colors.Find("Silver Gray")
theSession.Post.PostviewSetEdgeFace(postviewId1, primaryEdgeface1, undeformedEdgeface1)
Dim text1 As CAE.Post.Text
text1.Font = 0
text1.Size = 0
text1.Color = workSimPart.Colors.Find("Deep Steel")
text1.Bold = 0
theSession.Post.PostviewSetText(postviewId1, text1)
theSession.Post.PostviewSetFormat(postviewId1, CAE.Post.Format.Auto, 4)
Dim annotationBox1 As CAE.Post.AnnotationBox
annotationBox1.LineColor = workSimPart.Colors.Find("White")
annotationBox1.AreaColor = workSimPart.Colors.Find("Deep Steel")
annotationBox1.ShowBorder = True
annotationBox1.FillArea = True
annotationBox1.AreaTranslucency = False
theSession.Post.PostviewSetAnnotationBox(postviewId1, annotationBox1)
ufs.Disp.CreateImage("Path to image\Something" + Str(SparPlacement), UFDisp.ImageFormat.Jpeg, UFDisp.BackgroundColor.White)
End Sub
''Function GetResultAccess(ByRef result As CAE.Result, ByVal loadCaseIdx As Integer, ByVal iterationIdx As Integer, ByVal scale As Double) As CAE.ResultAccess
'End Function
End Module
Has anyone encountered this same problem? Or know a better way of doing something simmilar?
Thanks beforehand.