- Jul 24, 2016
- 929
I am having problems sending an array into an excel function. I also may be having problems getting an array back out.
I'm trying to call a function named "Stem_Wind" and am passing several variables to this function. One of the variables is a 7x4 variant array.
After the function runs some calculations, the output of the function should be a 1x2 numeric array.
I think I have issues passing variables in to the function, but I probably have issues getting them back out too
Attached is the code... I can send more in text format if it helps.
Thank you in advance.
Here is the function CALL
And Here is the Actual Function:
I'm trying to call a function named "Stem_Wind" and am passing several variables to this function. One of the variables is a 7x4 variant array.
After the function runs some calculations, the output of the function should be a 1x2 numeric array.
I think I have issues passing variables in to the function, but I probably have issues getting them back out too
Attached is the code... I can send more in text format if it helps.
Thank you in advance.
Here is the function CALL
'Lets redim the array to add 2 more columns for wind shear and moments
ReDim Preserve StemArray(counter, 6)
'Set up Some Variables to use in the loop
Dim POI_Stem(2) As Double
Dim PointX As Double
'Loop through all my wall points and calculate shear and moments due to wind load
For i = LBound(StemArray, 1) To UBound(StemArray, 1)
PointX = StemArray(i, 4)
POI_Stem = Stem_Wind(PointX, POI_Special, h_topfence, h_parapet, pressure_wind)
StemArray(i, 5) = POI_Stem(1)
StemArray(i, 6) = POI_Stem(2)
Next i
And Here is the Actual Function:
Function Stem_Wind(PointX As Double, POI_Special() As Variant, h_topfence As Double, _
h_parapet As Double, pressure_wind As Double) As Double()
' This function will calculate shear and moments due to a uniform wind load
' Written by JoelTxCIVE
' Last Modified 07/10/2018
'For each value sent into the function, we need to determine which region of the wall
'we are in and then apply the proper equation to determine shear and moments.
'PointX - This is the point I am interested in.
'POI_Special() - This is a (7x4) variant matrix with string and numeric columns
'h_topfence - Height of top of fence above wall
'h_parapet - Height of parapet region
'pressure_wind - Uniform wind pressure
'A (1x2) array containing two numeric values. Value 1 will be shear and Value 2 is moment.
'We are going to use a select case operation to compare the PointX value
'to the special points of interest array.
Select Case PointX
Case Is < POI_Special(3, 4) 'in the top fence
Stem_Wind(1) = 0 'shear
Stem_Wind(2) = 0 'moment
Case Is = POI_Special(3, 4) 'at top of wall
Stem_Wind(1) = h_topfence * pressure_wind 'shear
Stem_Wind(2) = Stem_Wind(1) * h_topfence / 2 'moment
Case Is < POI_Special(4, 4) 'between top of wall and nat grade
Stem_Wind(1) = (h_topfence + PointX - POI_Special(3, 4)) * pressure_wind 'shear
Stem_Wind(2) = Stem_Wind(1) * PointX / 2 'moment
Case Is <= POI_Special(7, 4) 'below nat grade
Stem_Wind(1) = (h_topfence + h_parapet) * pressure_wind 'shear
Stem_Wind(2) = Stem_Wind(1) * (PointX - (h_topfence + h_parapet) / 2) 'moment
Case Else
Stem_Wind(1) = 0 'nothing
Stem_Wind(2) = 0 'nothing
End Select
End Function